1、在桌面建立一个add_shortcut.reg文件,注意文件后缀名是 .reg。然后用vscode打开 2.加入以下配置信息: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\VSCode] @="Open with Code" "Icon"="D:\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\VSCode\command] @...
alfred-open-with-vscode 💻 An Alfred Workflow for opening folders with Visual Studio Code. In Visual Studio Code, theCtrl + Rshortcut key provides a convenient way to switch between projects. Nonetheless, there are times when opening other projects in a new window is necessary, and this is...
We could create a dialog with something like "would you like to enable the 'Open in VSCode' context menu?", and save wether or not the user has been presented with this dialog before. Then, on new installs, the dialog would appear on firstRun, because the user has never seen it. An...
Each folder in your workspace may contain folder-specific settings in .vscode/settings.json. If you need to open the settings for a specific folder: Right-click on the folder. Select Open Folder Settings. The settings UI opens with the specified folder selected. Any configuration only applies ...
replace MASShortcut with ShortcutRecorder 2个月前 OpenInTerminal-Lite fix: finder extension icon rendered as template 1个月前 OpenInTerminal.xcodeproj fix: finder extension icon rendered as template 1个月前 OpenInTerminal.xcworkspace replace MASShortcut with ShortcutRecorder ...
Clangdkylinideteam.vscode-clangd Native Debugkylinideteam.debug CMake Intellisencekylinideteam.cmake-intellisence 注意:这些扩展仅仅在 Windows 上和 Linux 上测试过。 注意事项 Qt 的安装位置:qt-support.qtInstallDirectories 扩展启动时会扫描 Qt 的默认安装位置,如果没有发现您安装的 Qt 时,可以设置该选项来...
OpenInTerminalis just such an alternative. It offers four new ways to open a folder or file with a terminal app or code editor: using a Finder extension, the context menu, a menu bar shortcut, or with simple hotkeys. It is highly configurable, and lighter versions of the app are also...
"comments.openPanel": "openOnSessionStartWithComments", // 启用/禁用 HTML 标记的自动关闭。 "html.autoClosingTags": true, // 指向 JSON 文件的相对文件路径的列表,这些路径采用[自定义数据格式](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-html-languageservice/blob/master/docs/customData.md。 // /...
with windows11, Vivado 2022.1 LikeLikedUnlikeReply1 like jmcexx (Member) 2 years ago What worked for me (on windows 10) is to directly use the code.cmd file in my path: code.cmd -g [file name]:[line number] I think my confusion is that the vscode install creates ...
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