当你在使用Visual Studio Code (VSCode) 和 Live Server 扩展时遇到报错,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和检查点,帮助你解决问题: 1. 确认错误信息 首先,你需要查看VSCode的“输出”或“终端”面板中显示的具体错误信息。这将为你提供解决问题的关键线索。 2. 检查VSCode和Live Server的扩展 确保扩展已安装:在VSCode的...
使用服务器形式进行调试: 此时我们安装的live server就派上用场了,同样打开要调试的页面,鼠标在页面任意地方右键单机,选择“Open with live server”,如图: 此时我们想使用vscode进行代码调试的需求到这里就已经大功告成了!!! 为大家推荐一个好看的vscode文件图标主题插件:【Material Icon Theme】效果如图: 下面介绍v...
vs-code点击open with live server 浏览器没有反应 适用各种类似插件错误open in browser:Open browser failed!! Please check if you have installed the browser correctly 这里以Live Server为例:(这里我已经卸载Live Server,Preview on Web Server亲测有效)
Docker部署code-server 2019-12-23 19:20 −## Docker部署code-server 版本:codercom/code-server:v2 code-server可以放在服务器上,随时随地在浏览器中,编写代码、运行、调试; 手机,pad都可以进行; 先说下问题: 1. 插件版本落后于vscode,部分插件需要手动安装旧版; 2. 多种方法... ...
换插件吧Preview on Web Server和live server功能一样的 我和你遇到了一样的问题 用了一次360杀毒 360...
Type: Performance Issue open with live server option is not working properly in my system VS Code version: Code 1.92.2 (fee1edb, 2024-08-14T17:29:30.058Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631 Modes: System Info Item Value CPUs 12th Gen ...
Browser: - [ ] Chrome (desktop) version XX - [ ] Firefox version XX - [ ] Safari (desktop) version XX - [X ] IE version 11 - [ ] Edge version XX For Tooling issues: - Live Server: Latest - Platform: Windows - Visual Studio Code: 1.29.1 ...
可以看到,Arduino IDE 语法高亮明显不如VSCode的丰富。更重要的是,Arduino IDE没有代码智能提示。这年头,写代码没有智能提示就少了半条命。所以,在需要大量写Arduino代码的时候,我都是使用VSCode完成。附带说一句,VSCode支持Arduino可以参考这篇文章:Enabling Arduino Intellisense with Visual Studio Code)。
Microsoft JDConf 2024 is just around the corner, making it the go-to event for Java developers everywhere. With 21 sessions, more than 10 hours of live streaming content, and even more to watch on-demand from March 27 to 28, this conference is your free ticket to the latest in Java te...
Build your apps faster with world-class developer tools that help you writeprecise,accurate, andmaintainablecode the first time. Use a wide variety of tools that fit your development style available on every platform including Visual Studio Code (an advanced code editor), Visual Studio (a powerful...