一、通过任务栏图标打开 (Opening via Taskbar Icon) 在Windows操作系统中,资源管理器的图标通常固定在任务栏上。用户只需点击该图标即可快速打开资源管理器。 1.1 固定资源管理器图标 (Pinning File Explorer Icon) 如果你的任务栏上没有资源管理器图标,可以通过以下步骤将其固定到任务栏: 点击“开始”菜单(Windows...
Public Class Form1 Private ExplorerProcess As Process = Nothing Private Sub Form1_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed If ExplorerProcess IsNot Nothing AndAlso ExplorerProcess.HasExited = False Then ExplorerProcess.Kill() En...
Fixes an issue in which Narrator crashes on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. This issue occurs when you try to access the Start menu or open Windows Explorer by using Narrator.
This is a shell namespace extension that displays a list of opened Windows Explorer windows you have open. It's inspired by the OS/2 stock file dialogs and how they did the same for Workplace Shell windows. If you're the type of person who has a lot of Explorer windows open, and wi...
Click onFile Explorerto open a new app window. 4Using the Run Dialog Box Run dialog box is a legacy utility to launch any app on your Windows 11 PC. As long as you know the correct app shortcode, you can launch an app without even using your mouse. Here's how: ...
Eclipse安装OpenExplorer插件(Mac、Windows通用) 1、下载插件 https://github.com/samsonw/OpenExplorer/downloads 2、将下载到的jar拷贝到“$ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins” 下面,重启eclipse就ok了 缺点: Mac环境下当前还没有能支持快捷键的版本! reference:http://marketplace.eclipse.org/...
To open Windows File Explorer to a specific folder, create a shortcut to “%SYSTEMROOT%\explorer.exe /e,<folder>”, where “<folder>” is the folder of your choice. Create a shortcut The approach is tocreate a shortcut to Windows File Explorer, giving it the specific folder as a para...
Firstly, we could end the Explorer.exe process in Task Manager. Then create it again. We also could create a new user account to log on. Check if the issue is insists. This issue occurred after the update was installed. I consider that there's something wrong with updating the file. Af...
1] Access File Explorer with just one click Taskbar of Windows 10, most often pin the Explorer. So to get access to the app, you just need to click on the same. As simple as that. 2] Use the keyboard shortcut Win+E Another quickest way to access File Explorer is to use the keybo...
Typecontrol.exe foldersand pressEnterto open the Windows Folder Options. Alternatively, typerundll32.exe shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 0and pressEnter. 3. Use File Explorer You can also access the Folder Options using File Explorer. Here are the steps you need to follow: ...