摘要:Open365 是 Microsoft Office 365 和 Google Docs 的开源替代品,一款支持同步和协作的云上 LibreOffice。Open365 当前支持 Windows,Mac OS X,Linux,Android 客户端,未来还会支持 iOS 客户端。Open365 当前还处于公测阶段,Beta 版本,但是允许在用户自己本地的服务器上搭建,免费使用。 Open365 基于 KDE + Sea...
Open365 是一个开源的 Office 365 替代品,可以让你在线创建和编辑文档,并将文件同步到云上。 目前该服务还处于 Beta 测试期间,不过已经可以在其官网注册使用了。你可以通过 Web 浏览器使用它,也可以下载 Windows、Mac 或 Linux 桌面的客户端,Android 客户端也已经有了,而 iOS 客户端将在不久后发布。 Open365 ...
Open365开放注册,免费开源的 Office 365 替代者 目前还处于 Beta阶段,但已开放注册,每个用户可获得 20G免费在线文档存储空间。 Open365 还有免费下载的安装包,用户可以将其安装到自己的服务器上。 基于LibreOffice Online、Seafile、KDE搭建,是一个完全的 web application开源项目,类似于远程桌面,用户在浏览器内使用服...
Open365是一套基于 KDE、Seafile、LibreOffice、Docker、Jitsi 的开源云办公套件,用来替代 Office 365,有在线文档、表格、邮箱、日历、联系人、文件同步、群组视频聊天等几大功能,提供 20G 空间。@Appinn 其实替代 Office365 就是说说啦,在商业办公领域,还木有人是微软的对手… Open365刚刚发布没几天,其开发者是曾...
Open Office是一套跨平台的办公室软件套件,能在Windows、Linux、MacOS X (X11)和 Solaris 等操作系统...
Yesterday, we announced the release of Office 365 Home Premium, which is a reinvention of Microsoft’s Office product line for consumers. The new offering includes the latest and most complete set of Office applications; works across up to five devices, including ...
email, presentations, and data management and analysis.Open Specifications:Technical documents for protocols, computer languages, standards support, and data portability. The goal with Open Specifications is to help developers open new opportunities to interoperate with Windows, SQL, Office, and SharePoint...
We have put together some best open-source Microsoft 365 alternatives that offer a vast array of productivity features and can be deployed on a Linux machine.
Office 365: Open for Business Today, I’m proud to announce that we launched our cloud services for productivity - Office 365 - in 20 languages and 40 markets around the world. For the first time, businesses of all sizes have a chance to realize new potential for collaboration with the M...
Opening links from other 1st party Microsoft 365 clients like OneNote, Skype, or Microsoft Teams. Or from 3rd party apps such as Slack, EverNote, etc. You've installed Office from the Microsoft Store on Windows 10. Links to files not stored on OneDrive or SharePoint i...