et al.55 carried out shear tests on 12 RPC beams with different stirrup ratios, longitudinal reinforcement ratios and shear-span ratios, simulated the stress process of RPC beams after cracking, and analysed the factors affecting the shear capacity of RPC beams based on the softening truss ...
Rod (truss) element—line element with axial stiffness only and constant cross-sectional area along the length of the element; Beam element—line element with axial, torsional and bi-directional shear and bending stiffness and with constant properties along the length of the element; Shell (planar...
The precast span-by-span bridge construction method allows a very high speed of construction, which is true if the same balanced cantilevers are used. The launching approach described herein is often utilized in conjunction with an erection truss (overhead erection gantry) for placing the precast...
CHAPTER 2 SCOPE The stub-girder may be structurally thought of as a Vierendeel truss. The main girder can be visualized as the tension (bottom) chord and the steel deck and concrete slab as the compression (top) chord, as shown in Figure 1 (see page 4). The vertical truss members ...