Open water swimming I had only swum in open water a few times, and always in gentle lakes, so I wasn't prepared for how rough Lake Windermere appeared on a cold day. A swimmer told me the water felt colder than it had been measured, and that the water was a bit rough. But I, ...
【题目】Open water swimming I h a d only swum in open water a few ti mes , an d always in gentl e lakes , so I was n't prepar e d for how rough Lak e Windermere appear e d on a col d day . A swimmer tol d me th e water felt colder than it h a d been measur e...
Open Water Swimming Is Trendy. Apparently. “On behalf of the President and people of Ireland, I’d like to welcome you to our shore” said the Newtown and Guillamenes Open Water Swimming Club President to me. The gentleman speaking was the eighty-five year old who has been swimming at ...
“Siobhan Russell”. In this digital age, having an in-beach photographer who captures the fun of sea swimming is fantastic. People trying to decide if they should take the plunge and try getting in to the sea can browse online and clearly see others who may look a...
If you’re swimming in the sea, make sure you check out the tides before planning your training time. The best time for sea swimming is on or before the high tide. If you mess this up, the best case is you turn up and there is no water! The worst case is that tidal streams can...
Open water swimming I h a d only swum in open water a few times, an d always in gentle lakes, so I wasn't prepare d for how rough Lake Windermere appeare d on a col d day. A swimmer tol d me the water felt colder than it h a d been measured, an d that the water was a...
【题目】阅读Open water swimming I h a d only swurn in open water a lew times,an d always in gentle lakes, so I wasn't prepsre d for how rough Lake Windermere appeare d on a col d day. A swimmor tol d me the water felt colder than it h a d been rcasured, an d that ...
A lesson as well as a description of a September 5K trek around Round Island and Little Round Island, entering at 72°F water at 8AM . . .
Open water swimming I had only swum in open water a few times, and always in gentle lakes, so I wasn’t prepared for how rough Lake Windermere appeared on a cold day. A swimmer told me the water felt colder than it had been measured, and that the water was a bit rough. But I, ...
Know ahead of time that the water will be murky - It’s a reality of open water swimming; most lakes aren’t as crystal clear as a pool. Prepare yourself mentally so it doesn’t add anxiety to your race. You swim exactly the same when you can’t see your hands as long as you ke...