open water swimming公开水域游泳(Open Water Swimming)是指在自然水体如江河湖海中进行的游泳活动,它融合了挑战性与观赏性,是游泳运动中的一项独特体验。 一、定义与分类 公开水域游泳,顾名思义,是在开放的自然环境中进行的游泳。它不同于传统的泳池游泳,更强调与大自然的亲密接触...
Follow the latest schedule, medal table, results & more for World Aquatics Open Water Swimming World Cup 2024 - Egypt.
World Aquatics Launches Open Water Swimming World Rankings Read more New Zealand Marathon Swimmer Breanna Ward Achieves Triple Crown Crossing And Doing It For Shark Survival FINIS Smart Goggle
Follow the latest schedule, medal table, results & more for World Aquatics Open Water Swimming World Cup 2024 - Hong Kong, China.
OPENWATERSWIMMING ByCraigJohns Swimmingiscommonlytheweakestpartofatriathlonformostathletes.Eventhebestpoolswimmerscanmake mistakeswhentransitioningtotheopenwaterfortriathlonoropenwaterswimmingraces.Let’sbreakdownthe differentaspectsinvolvedwithopenwaterswimmingandprovideyouwithvaluabletipsforracedayandkeyideas ...
At Embrace Open Water Swimming, we've made waves since 2014! From teaching beginners to put their face in the water and blow bubbles to celebrating the extraordinary global performances of our elite and age group athletes, we've done it all. Our year-round events, races, training camps, an...
The meaning of OPEN WATER is water that is clear of obstacles to passage or view : water that is open; often, specifically : water that is free of ice. How to use open water in a sentence.
Open Water swimming Beached I felt like a ship that had been too long in dry dock, or more appropriately, beached, as little maintenance of my vessel had occurred while I was dry. The sails of my shoulders have slackened, the sheets of my arms have loosened, and the rudders of my ha...
And open water swimming is very easy: You just need a bathing suit and goggles." She's creating this event with a generosity toward others and an open mind about her own accomplishments. "We'll organize it so that whoever wants to try can do the 16 kilometers. And maybe next year, ...
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