I already updated Paraview to the newest version but the error remains. Opening the .foam file on another machine doesn't make any problems. It happens only on my laptop. I read, that one can also use the foamToVTK command to create a file which can be opened in Paraview. But when...
(1)打开foam或vtk文件 建议用reconstructPar命令合并进程,foamToVTK将foam文件转为vtk文件,-h查看帮助可以指定需要合并的变量, -allPatches combine all patches into a single file -ascii write in ASCII format instead of binary -case specify alternatecasedirectory, default is the cwd -cellSet <name> co...
<<"将颗粒路径写入到VTK文件"<<endl; // 创建一个文件夹用于存放VTK文件 fileName VTK_dir = mesh.time().path() /"VTK"; mkDir(VTK_dir); // 创建文件指针 autoPtr<OFstream> vtkFilePtr; vtkFilePtr.reset(newOFstream(VTK_dir /"particle_path.vtk")); // 写入文件头 vtkFilePtr() <<"# vtk...
1.) Creating the vtp slice by Paraview and saving as vtp file works like a charme 2.) Using the runtime vtp file, created by cuttingPlane - libsampling OpenFOAM creates a weird triangle order. In the attachement you can find a the zip file, containing the python script...
foamToVTK #(可能不需要) 然后就能在CFD文件夹下生成对应时间的文件夹,而后可以导入case.foam(手动创建的空文件)到paraview中(未尝试),也可以从processor0文件夹下复制file.foam文件(空文件)到CFD文件夹下,而后用paraview打开file.foam文件即可 但实际试验后发现reconstructPar运行出现了问题,如图 openfoam5可能有无...
#根据该算例设置,先运行in.liggghts_init文件 150000步,然后在耦合运算 1.5s (参考该算例CFD/system/controlDict文件)。如果算例可以正常运行,说明pisoScalar Solver 也正确安装 后处理部分 1.颗粒部分 运行算例后,DEM文件夹下的post文件夹下保存的文件为颗粒信息,需要用lpp转换为vtk格式才能用paraview读取,用gedit ...
Parallelized reader for OpenFOAM(R) file format for use with ParaView/VTK Version 2011MMDD Credits: This reader is a modified version of the native reader included in ParaView 3.3 which is an original work of Terry Jordan. Disclaimer: OPENFOAM(R) is a registered trade mark of OpenCFD Limite...
File extension: VTR File type: VTK Rectilinear Grid What is a VTR file? VTR files mostly belong to ParaView by Kitware, Inc. ParaView is an application designed with the need to visualize large data sets in mind. ParaView is available as an open-source system. ParaView is a turn-key ...
foamToVTK #(可能不需要) 然后就能在CFD文件夹下生成对应时间的文件夹,而后可以导入case.foam(手动创建的空文件)到paraview中(未尝试),也可以从processor0文件夹下复制file.foam文件(空文件)到CFD文件夹下,而后用paraview打开file.foam文件即可 但实际试验后发现reconstructPar运行出现了问题,如图 openfoam5可能有无...
3、选用 paraview 4.1;另选用 LPP 将 liggghts 生成的 dump 格式的文件转成 paraview 可识别的 vtk 格式。这一后处理方案也是官网推荐的,笔者认为较为易用。并行计算选用 openmpi。下面我们从新装的 Ubuntu 14.04 出发,安装上述软件。注意:在执行命令前请先搞懂命令的含义,并在下载、编译的同时,浏览相关的shell脚...