只是不清楚用ssh连接的远程vscode为什么不行,理论上本地vsocode可行,远程vscode也可行,我有了如上使用经验,也就是说了解了各种问题解决方案,于是又进行了尝试。 1,win上的操作和之前一样,且先将vscode和ubuntu14.04连接上。 a,stlink连接开发板,且插入stlink b xxx,打开一个cmd输入命令,然后可以看到正常识别到st...
Type: Bug Since the last update I can't open the external terminal from VSCode, before I did it easily with the ctrl+shift+c key combination and now it doesn't open at all. I try both with the key combination ctrl+shift+c or looking for ...
设备环境:Ubuntu16.04 Vmware14.0 现象描述: 代码如下: house.txt所在路径为: 执行程序运行命令,文件打开会报错; 将文件路径修改为绝对路径: 程序正常运行。 ===》问题解决: VSCode的根目录是从.vscode开始的,如下图所示: ,因此在指定相对路径时,要从该文件夹算起,在本例中,修改方式为: ===》 修改后问题解决...
vscode Manage/Command Palette/ select use g++-13 Found at /usr/bin/ Finally as below {"configurations": [ {"name":"Linux","includePath": ["${workspaceFolder}/**","/usr/include/c++/13","/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/13","/usr/include/c++/13/backward","/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64...
Ubuntu中安装Device Tool后,打开VSCode提示"EACCES: permission denied,open '/home/devicetool/.vscode/extenxions/.obsolete'",怎么解决? 问题描述: 用户在Ubuntu中安装Device Tool之后,打开VSCode,在右下角出现提示"EACCES: permission denied,open '/home/devicetool/.vscode/extenxions/.obsolete'",其中,/home...
label='Open in VSCode', tip='', icon='')returnitem# 在空白位置右键点击即可看到 Open in VSCodedefget_background_items(self, window, file): item = self.get_items(window, file) item.connect('activate', self.menu_activate_cb, file)return[item]# 选中单个文件或文件夹右键点击即可看到 Open ...
The vscode debugger works well in other cases. I wounder what causes the difference and how to fix it. The environment is: OS and Version: Ubuntu 16.04 VS Code Version: 1.32.3 C/C++ Extension Version: 0.22.1 Other extensions you installed (and if the issue persists after disabling them)...
# 其中devicetool为当前用户名,可以通过whoami获取 sudo chown -R devicetool:devicetool ~/.vscode su...
这是一个 bug issues/29735:Could not open link file with absolute path