OWL-ViT 是谷歌于22 年 5 月提出的一种新的 OVD(Open Vocabulary Detection)算法。传统的检测算法会收到训练时标注类别的限制,无法在推理时检测出训练集中未出现的类别;而 OVD 算法,在推理时可以检测由开放词表定义的任意新类。 在图像分类任务中,通过将简单的模型结构与大规模预训练相结合(如 CLIP),即可在分...
与以前使用Detic工作不同,选择了OWL-ViT 作为对象检测器,因为发现它在初步查询中的性能更好。在每一帧上应用检测器,并提取每个对象的边界框、CLIP嵌入、检测器置信度,并将它们传递给导航模块的对象内存模块。Segment Anything (SAM) 将边界框进一步细化为对象掩模。开放词汇对象检测器仍然需要一组它们尝试检测的自然...
cd projects/XDecoder python demo.py ../../images/owls.jpeg configs/xdecoder-tiny_zeroshot_open-vocab-instance_coco.py --weights ../../xdecoder_focalt_last_novg.pt --texts owl (3) Open Vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation cd projects/XDecoder python demo.py ../../images/street.jpg configs...
Mail BagSeveral letters to the editor are presented in response to articles in previous issues including one article about actress Marcia Cross and her twin daughters, blind New York City school teacher Steven Sloan, and country singer Gary Allen's wife.Lancas, Shanon Pirl...
Detecting objects: On each frame of the scan, we run an openvocabulary object detector. Unlike previous works which used Detic [7], we chose OWL-ViT [8] as the object detector since we found it to perform better in preliminary queries. We apply the detector on every frame, and extract...