or a full-time on-site basis in a wide range of disciplines as well as an EdD for professionals in education. The University also offers a range of Master's levels courses such as the MBA and MPA, MSc, MA and MEd, and MRes, as well as the professional PGCE qualification and a...
Science Teacher -Nathan老师本科毕业于曼彻斯特大学生物学专业,获得利物浦霍普大学PGCE证书。在中国拥有五年教学经验,深谙双语教学之道。 James Colquhoun 科学老师 STEAM Teacher -James老师来自英格兰,毕业于英格兰东北的提赛德大学商业管理与领导力专业。James老师拥有7年教学经验,曾在深圳公立学校和私立学校担当英语老师,以...
In this article, the authors describe a collaborative project between the Richard Rose Central Academy in England and University of Cumbria PGCE teaching trainees that focused on helping both A2-level history students better...