Website to help students at the UK Open University. We provide free ou courses online and This Open University blog is designed for YOU!
The Open University UK Multiple locations We are The Open University and believe world-class university education should be open to anyone anywhere. So, wherever you are in the world, you can open up your future with the OU. #801Ranking ...
Providing 'supported open learning' since 1969, The Open University is proud to champion distanced study, allowing you to study flexibly, and wherever you choose. There are wide range of undergraduate courses on offer, including English Literature, Business Management, Natural Sciences, Cyber Security...
Over 70% of OU students are in full-time or part-time employment, with 77% of FTSE 100 companies sponsoring staff to study OU courses. More CEOs and Managing Directors of UK companies have studied with the OU than any other UK university. ...
Launched in 2006, OpenLearn is theOpenCourseWare(OCW) platform of the Open University, the world’s first distance-learning university and one of Europe’s largest academic institutions, founded in 1969 following a push by the UK government to make higher education more accessible. ...
As the home of free learning from The Open University, we offer videos, games, interactive features, debates, podcasts and hundreds of free open courses.#, SarahAlt Sig
The Open University The Open University (OU) is the largest academic institution in the UK and a world leader in flexible distance learning, with a mission to be open to people, places, methods and ideas. Curriculum Ideal Students Program Tuition Fee ...
英国某家在线教育机构Open University,在2013-2014年四个学期期间,开设的七门课程的数据集。 数据来源 kaggle:The datasets provided by UK based online learning university "Open University". 1、该数据集包含7个结构化表格: 2、7个表格的主键和结构关系如下图: ...
Open University (redirected fromOpen University (UK)) Thesaurus Encyclopedia n (Education)the Open University(in Britain) a university founded in 1969 for mature students studying by television and radio lectures, correspondence courses, local counselling, and summer schools ...
Open University Broadcast Media Sales (OUBMS) is the sales arm for the quality portfolio of programmes that combines the expertise of programme makers with the academic excellence of one of the UK's leading universities. The Open University works with specialist departments in the BBC and other ...