This two-step signalling thus effectively increases chances of finding a mating partner within the right time frame and physiological conditions, which appears particularly relevant in diffusion-controlled environments, such as biofilms. It allows signalling compounds to operate on a local scale and ...
(email: Scientific Reports | 5:17474 | DOI: 10.1038/srep17474 1 coloration30. The silvery, egg-swollen abdomen, which is associated with female spawning-readiness and fecundity, is presented to the male during courtship in a so...
To the left of the interface, the Stroop screen has been selected for editing; its contents are visible on the right. Using the toolbar toward the top, the component’s name can be modified, and the editor below provides a preview of the later stimulus. The blue border indicates that ...
PhyloMeasures: Calculates phylogenetic community diversity metrics including MPD, MNTD, PD, phylosor, and unifrac. Null models for matrix randomization includeuniform,, andsequential. phyloregion: Calculates PD but not MPD or MNTD. Implements sparse matrix encoding to increase comput...
The relative optical density (ROD) scores for the staining intensity for BChE activity are shown on the right. To detect the regions with the highest BChE activities in the rat brain, these were mapped and processed using a modified Koelle-Karnovsky histochemical method38. The dark brown/...
🔗 Download Link: Dataset introduction: Mainly aimed at miscellaneous defects on textured backgrounds. Training data with weaker supervision. Contains ten data sets, the first six are training data sets, and the last four are test data sets. ...
The tag REP was assigned for protein sequences not in UniMag and complete but with hits in TREP. Functional annotation of predicted protein sequences was done using the AHRD pipeline ( Completeness of the predicted gene space was measured with BUSCO [55]...
Finally, from each cluster or main theme that appears in the above maps, a network or network is formed, which is called a thematic network (Figure 1, right). This is formed through the interconnection of keywords based on the documents associated with each theme. Figure 1. Example of a ...
CiteScore is a simple way of measuring the citation impact of sources, such as journals. CiteScore Tracker is calculated in the same way as CiteScore, but for the current year rather than previous, complete years. The CiteScore Tracker calculation is updated every month, as a current indicati...