Open UI 是一个开放源代码的项目,致力于创建一个可扩展、可定制,并且能够跨平台运行的用户界面框架。该项目的目标是提供一套标准化的组件库,让开发者可以更高效地构建响应式的Web应用,同时保持对最新Web技术的兼容性和前瞻性。Open UI 基于现代Web技术如HTML、CSS和JavaScript(尤其是配合React或Vue等前端框架)。
Headless, type-safe, powerful utilities for complex workflows like Data Management, Data Visualization, Charts, Tables, and UI Components.
SnapKit - A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X ( import SnapKit class MyViewController: UIViewController { lazy var box = UIView() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.view.addSubview(box) box.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.wi...
docker run\-d --network=host\-v open-webui:/app/backend/data\# 挂载docke volume-eRAG_EMBEDDING_ENGINE=ollama\# 如果用openai API,您需要稍后提供OPENAI_API_KEY-eOLLAMA_BASE_URL=\--name open-webui\--restart always\ 3.3 GB 说...
Mailspring's UI is open source (GPLv3) and written in TypeScript with Electron and React - it's built on a plugin architecture and was designed to be easy to extend. Check out to get started! Mailspring's sync engine is spawned by the Electron application and runs locally...
对外API:开发者可以使用openInula提供的内置组件和Hooks API编写用户侧的JSX代码,描述整个UI的组成。 渲染器:TreeBuilder.ts是整个框架的核心调度器,核心渲染过程如图13中的①到⑥ : ① 任务执行器启动一个渲染任务(同步/异步)。 ② 发起深度遍历,在遍历过程中,调用不同类型的虚拟DOM组件,进行捕获(Capture)和冒泡...
React open weather is a React Component loading forecast data from OpenWeather API, WeatherBit and Visual Crossing API.Version 1The component has been fully refactored and now the UI presentation is completely decoupled from the weather provider to allow using any data sources for weather, the ...
Ionic Framework is an open-source UI toolkit to create your own mobile apps using web technologies with integrations for popular frameworks.
支持Android、iOS原生开发,支持Flutter、uni-app跨端开发,支持小程序、React等所有主流web前端技术框架, PC支持Electron,Flutter、iOS、uni-app已有成熟demo可以体验。 主要功能 多端登录支持多种登录类型 多端登录类型 只允许一端登录,Windows、Web、Android、iOS 彼此互踢 ...
This framework has existed for ten years and is still in active development. It is one of the best options for simplicity while having all the fundamental components. License:BSD 8.UIkit More than not, CSS is all about Web and User Interfaces. UIkit’s a module front-end design framework...