The failure of BAMM to recover any rate shifts is also unexpected, although Kodandaramaiah and Murali33 show that it underestimates rate shift numbers in small phylogenies, such as this one, and recommend a careful interpretation of a zero rate shift result in such cases. Interestingly, ...
This cross-sectional study assess the accuracy and comprehensiveness of chatbot-generated responses to physician-developed medical queries, highlighting
Plos One Mutation 6 (2011). in Photosystem II Reaction Centers and Elevated CO2 Grant Thermotolerance to Mesophilic 51. Grabolle, M. & Dau, H. Energetics of primary and secondary electron transfer in Photosystem II membrane particles of spinach revisited on basis of recombination-fluorescence ...
Digital learning games are designed to foster both student learning and enjoyment. Given this goal, an interesting research topic is whether game mechanics
Author Contributions: Dr Queiroga had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Concept and design: Queiroga, Dunne, Manino, Bierens. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors. Draf...
more than one player sample (within the same study or across separate studies), weighted means and SD were calculated using a free, online-based tool [63]. Conclusions regarding differences in external and internal loads according to playing level and position for specific variables were made ...
The statement is firmly aimed at bigots and certainly isn't open to interpretation. It goes over some history and then gets directly into the point of the statement: What I do not like are idiots or, to put it more bluntly, contemptible defecatory orifices!
It is even possible that arenaviruses of snakes may represent more than one genus. 165 Sequencing of full or partial genomes from a number of infected snakes has also shown that infection with multiple genotypes is common in captive infected snakes and that recombination and reassortment are ...
The sharp drops in the BNS range are typically due to transient noise in the interferometer limiting its sensitivity, while the gaps are due to non-observing periods. In particular, during O2, there were two long breaks, one for end-of-year holidays and another to make improvements to the ...
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funder had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Disclaimer: This work is sol...