Gammon Theological Seminary Catalog 1919-1920Gammon Theological Seminary
Innovation in Seminary Theological Education: An Overview of Contributing ForcesCunningham, ScottEvangelical Review of Theology
The International Baptist Theological Seminary Archives - an updateJones, Keith GJournal of European Baptist Studies
Karin Theological SeminaryA photography of a Karin Theological Seminary. Date unknown.Unknown
The article focuses on the Dallas Theological Seminary. Theft is just one challenge that Director of Maintenance Operations Brian Gerbedch and his small but resourceful crew have to deal with. Events like commencement an Spring-Fling that feature ...
Bulletin of Gammon Theological Seminary and School of Missions Announcemnets 1938-1939, Vol. LVGammon Theological Seminary
theological collegeThe establishment of modern seminaries resulted from Roman Catholic reforms of the after the .The Tridentine seminaries placed great emphasis on personal discipline as well as the teaching of philosophy as a preparation for theology.seminary...
SNELLER, CHRISTOPHER D.Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity & Chinese Religion & Culture
In 1823, not only did a group of Episcopalians choose to found Virginia Theological Seminary. They also decided that this seminary would help keep human beings in bondage. Such an incredible decision begs the question, "What God were the seminary founders worshipping?" This ess...
Quarterly Bulletin Catalogue Edition: Gammon Theological Seminary 1906-1907Gammon Theological Seminary