open the door to 短语的用法 open the door to是一个固定短语,意思是“打开(某物)的门”。它常用来指打开门,使人或物可以进入或出去。 例如: 1.Can you open the door to the room? (你能打开房间的门吗?) 2.She opened the door to the car and got in. (她打开车门,然后坐了进去。) open ...
open the door to后面可以跟一个句子,表示宾语从句,也可以跟一个单词。
Never open the door to a little vice, lest a great one enters with it. 小过须防范, 以免铸大错. 互联网 Can be seen, is an independent open the door to the golden key to success. 可见, 独立自主才是开启成功之门的金钥匙. 互联网 As he pushed open the door to Xu Huabei's flat, his...
Pro-finished, only from the bed down, step three to get out of the bedroom shaking, open the door to the living room. 亲完了,才从床上下来,一步三摇地走出卧室,打开客厅的大门。 6. The police departed the master bedroom, through the big hall entered the kitchen, and ...
'open the door to'是一个动词短语,其中“open”是动词,“the door”是宾语,而“to”则是一个介词,后面通常跟名词或动名词,表示开门所针对的对象或领域。这个短语在句子中通常用作谓语,表示主语对某一对象或领域采取开放或接纳的态度。它的用法灵活多样,既可以用于描述具...
open the door to (sth)使…成为可能 These discussions may well open the door to a peaceful solution. 此番讨论或许可以完全打开和平解决问题的大门。Your policy opens the door to cheating. 你的政策使作弊成为可能。 Many are hoping that this summit will open the door to peace talks for the war...
Open the door to something, 就是为某人或某事开门,也可以译作“带来”,“引起”。就好象我刚才那位朋友要回去念书。很多人劝她打消这个念头,因为这个岁数回学校读书可没那么容易,不仅要兼顾家庭,还要重新适应作学生的生活。 不过,我这个朋友非常坚决,因为...
open the door 【读音】英美 【翻译】开门,拉开门 【双语例句】1、I was afraid to open the door lest he should follow me 我不敢开门,唯恐他还跟着我。2、I eased open the door.我小心翼翼地打开门。3、Would you please open the door?请你开一下门好吗?4、Please open the door,...
open the door to为…开放,对…敞开大门 open door开放门户,门户开放 open the door for向...开门 使...成为可能, 为...提供机会或方便, 导致... clear door opening门口宽度 keep an open door盛情招待客人 leave a door open让门敞开着 inwardly opened door内开门 ...
#日常英语# open the door to sth 为…提供达到目的的手段;为…创造机会#英汉互译# Our courses are the door to success in English. 我们的课程是通向掌握英语的成功之路。#英语笔译# The agreement will open the door to increased international trade. 此协议将会提供增长国际贸易的机会。 ...