7. Synonym: enemy, opponent 8. Antonym: current, present VI. Word abbreviation Provide in each space the full form for each shortened form. 1. WTOWorld Trade Organization / World Tourism Organization 2. WHOWorld Health Organization 3. UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organ...
door教程openunitantonymsynonym Unit11OpentheDoortoForgiveness KeytotheExercises Textcomprehension I. B. II. 1.T;2.T;3.F;4.T・ IV. 1.Hateis1ikeaviciousanduncontrollablediseasethatdarkensourlifeandaffectsourhealth・ 2.…wemustrememberthatweareseldommerevictimsofotherpeople J ssinsorwrongdoings.We...
Unit-11-Open-the-Door-to-Forgiveness答案综合教程二.doc,Unit 11 Open the Door to Forgiveness Key to the Exercises Text comprehension I. B. II. 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T. IV. 1. Hate is like a vicious and uncontrollable disease that darkens our life and affec
5、.keep;pelled;8.forge.WordderivationFmotion4.reconciliationmutually6.invisible7.confrontation8.denialIV.B;2.D;3.D;4.A;5.D;6.C;7.C;8.A.Synonym/AntonymGiveasynonymoranantonymofthewordunderlinedineachsentenceinthesensei 6、tisused.Synonym:well-intentionedAntonym:outer,externalAntonym:unfairness,...
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> water backrecessnichemantlemantlepiecemantelpiecemantelhearthfireplaceopen firep... noun Synonyms for open fireplace nounan open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built Synonyms fireplace hearth Rela...
Regarding the ordinary foreign tourist, such 1 section has filled the strange Chinese geographic name, the personal name, the dynasty synonym, the literary reference and the idiom writing, where also discussed on loved! [translate] a欢迎来到我的博客空间。 Welcome to arrive my abundant guest space...
Synonym establish (formal) For example open up A lot of new shops and small businesses have opened up in our town in the last couple of years. open up sth I'd love to open up a small guesthouse on a beach in Thailand. Nouns often used as objects with open up (3): store, shop,...
Some projects add a fourth component, usually called the patch number, for especially fine-grained control over the differences between their releases (confusingly, other projects use “patch” as a synonym for “micro” in a three-component system). There are also projects that use the last ...
1.Synonym:well-intentioned 2.Antonym:outer,external 3.Antonym:unfaimess,partiality,injustice 4.Synonym:pardon,excuse 5.Synonym:discharged,dismissed,sacked 6.Synonym:below,under 7.Synonym:enemy,opponent 8.Antonym:current,present VI.Wordabbreviation Provideineachspacethefullformforeachshortenedform. 1.WTO...