"Open In Terminal" in Source Control opens a separate terminal instance outside VS Code in OSX #183337 Closed starball5 commented May 24, 2023 Possibly related on Stack Overflow: VS Code 1.78's Source Control Repositories context menu item "Open In Terminal" is not working. Why? jonaw...
macOS show “Open in VS Code” icon and “Open in Terminal” icon in Finder All In One Open Folder in VS Codecode . OpenAutomator.appPickApplication Run Shell Script finderPath=`osascript -e'tell application "Finder" to get the POSIX path of (target of front window as alias)'` open -...
A step-by-step illustrated guide on how to open your terminal in the directory of the currently opened file in Visual Studio Code.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)" 并没完,安装之后,需要先打开应用程序文件夹,将OpenInTerminal-Lite拖动到菜单栏上: 对于使用深色模式的 macOS 用户,还需要下载深色图标,然后右键 OpenInTerminal-Lite 选择 显示简介,将深色图标拖动到最上面...
OpenInTerminal-Lite是一款 macOS 系统辅助功能,它可以为访达 Finder 菜单栏添加一个用终端打开、用编辑器打开的按钮,可以方便用户直接进入当前路径。支持终端、iTerm2、VS Code、Atom、Sublime Text 等工具。@Appinn 在微博有同学寻找 Go2shell 的替代品: ...
After installing VS code from the community sitehttps://code.visualstudio.com/you may open it from the application launcher in MAC system. But when opening from terminal by typing the command "Code ." it would end up in the following error if the PATH is not set. ...
VSCode Version: 1.80.2 - 2ccd690cbff1569e4a83d7c43d45101f817401dc - x64 Local OS Version: Windows 11 Remote OS Version: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS Remote Extension/Connection Type: WSL When I try running code from the Terminal I get an error cod...
OpenInTerminal 是一款开发辅助工具,可以增强 Finder 工具栏以及右键菜单增加在当前位置打开终端的功能。另外还支持:在编辑器中打开当前目录以及在编辑器中打开选择的文件夹或文件。 主要功能: - 支持的终端: iTerm, Hyper 和 Alacritty - 支持的文本编辑:Visual Studio Code, VSCode Insiders, Atom, Sublime Text, ...
点击Code Runner插件右下角的齿轮,进入扩展设置。 首先需要勾选以下几个按钮: Run in terminal会使代码在终端中运行;后面两个可以在运行代码前将代码自动保存,方便操作。 接下来找到Executor Map By File Extension,并进入Settings.json进行编辑。该文件记录了不同扩展名的文件在启动时会执行的特定操作。
https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/supporting/troubleshoot-terminal-launch。根据官方提示操作。 搜索terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows修改终端使用的默认外壳配置文件,默认值是null,分别调整为Powershell、Windows powerShell、Command Prompt后重启VS Code,不起效仍报错。