针对您遇到的“open terminal failed: not a terminal”错误,我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解答: 1. 确认错误信息的上下文和来源 这个错误信息通常出现在尝试以非终端(non-terminal)环境执行需要终端(terminal)环境支持的命令或程序时。例如,在脚本或自动化工具中调用需要交互式终端的程序,但环境配置不当或缺少必要...
Actual Result open terminal failed: not a terminal Additional Notes Also happens when I run 'C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -i' from either the cmd prompt given or the alacritty.yml tmux works great in cygwin's regular shell 👍 20 chrisduerr added the H - windows label Oct 19, 20...
tmux open terminal failed: can't find terminfo database echo $TERM xterm-256color these are non-empty: /etc/terminfo /lib/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo
"Open in Windows Terminal"通常是指在Windows 10操作系统中,通过右键点击某个文件或者文件夹时,出现的上下文菜单选项之一。该选项允许您在Windows终端中打开文件或文件夹,并使用命令行工具进行操作。Windows Terminal是Windows 10操作系统中的一款终端模拟器,它可以同时支持多个命令行工具,如Windows PowerShell、Windows命令...
Mac 下手动打开目录、文件和应用程序等和 Windows 都很一不样,用惯 Windows 的用户刚开始使用 Mac ...
Opening a terminal from jupyter notebook created in the compute resource is failing with the following error: failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 426 make_terminal @ terminado.js:4 index.js:5 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentElement' of undefined at...
After using Xmanager connect with Gnome Desk and trying open terminal, termianl could not be openned and following error messages displayed:"ESC is already running but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing ESC process or restart your system" ...
To check if you have the Cloud ID, enter in your terminalecho $CLOUD_ID. You should see a string, similar to the following: 1c68adbe0-2b09-4add-b08e-eb5797b31bc9 Step 2: Get the access token To make API calls, you need to create an OAuth app and get the credentials. To learn...
PyCharm:open Local Terminal_Failed to start [powershell.exe],程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
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