This repository containsHelmcharts for OpenTelemetry project. Usage Helmmust be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm'sdocumentationto get started. Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows: $helm repo add open-telemetry
这里我们使用 Helm Chart 来部署 OpenTelemetry Operator,首先添加 Helm Chart 仓库: 复制 $ helm repo add open-telemetry $ helm repo update 1. 2. 默认情况下会部署一个准入控制器,用于验证 OpenTelemetry Operator 的配置是否正确,为了使 APIServer ...
View details TylerHelmuth merged commit af4b111 into open-telemetry:main Mar 18, 2024 3 checks passed lindeskar deleted the feat-pvc-retention-pol branch March 18, 2024 16:02 12ushan pushed a commit to giffgaff/opentelemetry-helm-charts that referenced this pull request Jul 22, 2024 ...
当然,我们需要添加Spring Boot启动器和Spring Kafka来发送或接收消息。为了自动生成与每条消息相关的跟踪,我们包括了 Spring Boot Actuator 和 Micrometer Tracing Open Telemetry 桥。最后,我们需要包含opentelemetry-exporter-otlp将跟踪导出到应用程序外部的库。
这是的官方Helm Chart,这是一种从运行中的OpenStack Cloud导出Prometheus指标的工具。 配置 图表配置在values.yaml文件中完成。 用法 # Get a local copy git clone # Package the chart cd helm-charts/charts/prometheus-openstack-exporter/ helm package...
helm-chartsOpen WebUI Helm ChartsHelm charts for the Open WebUI application.
helminstallcert-manager jetstack/cert-manager\--namespacecert-manager --create-namespace--versionv1.4.0 helm repoaddopen-telemetry helm repo update helminstallopentelemetry-operator open-telemetry/opentel...
For some time I've been hearing aboutHelmand have been asked by people how they could deployCharts, the format Helm uses to package an application, into OpenShift. One of the really nice features thatMinishift>= 1.2.0 introduced was the concept of anaddonwhich is a way to provide addition...
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Helm CLI installed on your computer (Helm | Installing Helm). OpenShiftocCLI installed on your computer (Getting started with the OpenShift CLI - OpenShift CLI (oc) | CLI tools | OpenShift Container Platform 4.16). To create the Helm chartmyfirsthelmin the d...