courses, summer schools, and online or face-to-face events offered at the Future Classroom Lab). Teachers may also receive invitations to participate in new EUN projects.
This year, we are once again launching the four summer camps that have received excellent feedback from students and parents in the past years –Global Vision Residential camp, Whole Person Activities Day Camp, Chinese Culture ...
Johannes Stapf2 & Christiane Voigt 7,8 Two airborne field campaigns focusing on observations of Arctic mixed-phase clouds and boundary layer processes and their role with respect to Arctic amplification have been carried out in spring 2019 and late summer 2020 over the Fram Strait nort...
TheStardust Drive-In Theatrein Watertown holds Retro Wednesdays. Coming up this summer are showings of "Steel Magnolias" from 1989, "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" from 1982, and "Back to the Future" from 1985. The Parkway Drive-In in Maryville shows movies rain or shine but will keep its...
Article - LGBTQ Boutique Hotel Bent Inn to Open This Summer in Las Vegas - Bent Inn Las Vegas, a 33-room boutique hotel, is slated to begin taking reservations in summer of 2023. Bent Inn is the only gay/locally owned and operated boutique hotel and gast
Hack the 6ix is the largest student-run, non-for-profit summer hackathon located in the hear of Toronto. Dj-Stripe A Django library to integrate with the Stripe API and process Stripe webhooks. Kubernetes Kubernetes is a portab...
We ask you for a bit of patience since now people are mainly on Summer vacation, so the review might take a bit longer. @Midnighter Thank you so much to both of you for agreeing to review BioCypher! Please, check our reviewer's guide, the reviewer template, and the Python packaging ...
s was established by the defunct discount store chain Zayre in 1984, and now operates stores throughout the East Coast and in Ohio. The smaller of the two members-only discount retailers on this list, BJ’s went public for the second time in the summer of 2018 after previously going ...
After an initial lag phase, overall usage increased rapidly in the spring and summer months after which the growth decelerated. This pattern was repeated in 2018. In 2019, general usage grew steadily, but the growth in registered users accelerated and continued to show the seasonal pattern. Use...