{ "ignored_packages": [ "Vintage" ], "update_check": false, "font_face": "Meslo LG M for Powerline", "font_size": 14, "open_files_in_new_window": false } 这下sublime就是Mac下面的command+n打开新的Tab了。 来自:https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/e75057f2c40ee8ebc91a8995.html...
You can installSublime Texteditor in Linux systems using your default package manager as shown. $ sudo apt install sublime-text [OnDebian, Ubuntu and Mint] $ sudo yum install sublime-text [OnRHEL/CentOS/FedoraandRocky/AlmaLinux] $ sudo emerge -a sys-apps/sublime-text [OnGentoo Linux] $ su...
My idea is to do this an automatic process. Except whengitcannot merge the changes automatically, then he sends me a big warm warning about the unmerged changes. I should do it this vacation, but I decided for now on to move on from Sublime Text and start working with VSCode. I would ...
In the terminal application, in command-line mode, type import --format md /path/to/file.md or import --format md /path/to/directory/. Importing from other applications In general the way to import notes from any application into Joplin is to convert the notes to ENEX files (Evernote ...
Joplin can import notes from plain Markdown file. You can either import a complete directory of Markdown files or individual files.In the desktop application, open File > Import > MD and select your Markdown file or directory.In the terminal application, in command-line mode, type import -...
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Windows Terminal Image byIDG If any part of Microsoft Windows badly needs an update, it’s the slow, inflexible, antiquated console host—the component that renders command-line applications in a text window. EnterWindows Terminal, an open source terminal application designed to give Windows users...
Install Thorium Reader on Ubuntu Thorium Reader is available as native .deb and portable AppImage package files. Install Thorium Reader via AppImage: Download Thorium Reader in .AppImage file format from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder. Then open the terminal command-...
If you’re a Linux newbie, you’ve probably wondered how to create a Vim file to write in. To create a vim file, you first need to open a terminal and then type the command vi. This will bring up the vim prompt. Type a few characters in the text field and hit Enter. After you...
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