1998年, 开源(Open Source)这个词在硅谷的 Palo Alto 被正式提出,开源运动拉开帷幕。当我们把一个事件称之为『运动』的时候,她背后一定蕴含着深刻的社会意义,代表一种社会思潮。始于 20 年前的 开源软件运动(Open Source Software Movement)是1980 年代 自由软件运动(Free Software Movement)的延续,Free Software ...
1998年,开源(Open Source)这个词在硅谷的 Palo Alto被正式提出,开源运动拉开帷幕。当我们把一个事件称之为『运动』的时候,她背后一定蕴含着深刻的社会意义,代表一种社会思潮。始于 20 年前的开源软件运动(Open Source Software Movement)是 1980 年代自由软件运动(Free Software Movement)的延续,Free Software 正确...
1998年, 开源(Open Source)这个词在硅谷的 Palo Alto 被正式提出 ,开源运动拉开帷幕。当我们把一个事件称之为『运动』的时候,她背后一定蕴含着深刻的社会意义,代表一种社会思潮。始于 20 年前的 开源软件运动(Open Source Software Movement)是 1980 年代 自由软件运动(Free Software Movement)的延续,Free Softwar...
Open Source Initiative (redirected fromOpen source movement) Open Source Initiative (body) (OSI) An organisation dedicated to managing and promoting theOpen Source Definitionfor the good of the community. http://opensource.org/. This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computi...
[From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] The open-source-software movement is a movement that supports the use of open-source licenses for some or all software, a part of the broader notion of open collaboration. The open-source movement was started to spread the concept/idea of open-source...
IBM believes the open-source movement is leading to the next major paradigm shift in the software industry... Standing up for open source The open-source movement is a by-product of the free software movement that advocates open-source software as an alternative method for free software. The...
The 10th Annual Future of Open Source Survey [2] showed that 65% of the surveyed companies leverage FOSS to speed up application development, and 55% leverage FOSS for production infrastructure. On the other hand, the movement has introduced new challenges [3,4,5,6,7], especially in ...
Open source: 为了避免大家不必要的反复低水平重复工作,我们尽量开源自己每篇论文的代码。作为大部分科研...
and-control models of management and co-ordination; allowing participants, or potential participants, to co- ordinate their efforts along the lines exemplified by the open-source software movement and the contributors to Wikipedia: Models of co-ordination that ought not to work, but appear to do ...
a. intellectual property, esp computer source code, that is made freely available to the general public by its creators b. (as modifier): open source software. Compare closed sourceCollins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 19...