GE Operations Hub Open Source Software List (for Version 2022) In accordance with certain software license terms, the General Electric Company ("GE") makes available the following software package installations. This code is provided to yo on an "as is" basis, and GE makes no representations ...
Open source software is source code made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, modify, and distribute the software.
Because many felt that Stallman’s term “free software” inaptly emphasized “free of cost” as the principal value of the software, the term “open source” was adopted in 1999. The Open Source Initiative (OCI) was created to advocate for it; the organization also has established ground r...
SoftwareVersionLicense @ant-design/icons4.1.0MIT License @ngxs/store3.6.2MIT License @ngx-translate/core13.0.0MIT License @ngx-translate/http-loader6.0.0MIT License @tweenjs/tween.js18.5.0MIT License ace-builds1.4.12BSD 3-Clause License ...
Free Software Foundation - MIT License (MIT +) tslib 2.1.0 BSD 3-Clause License url-search-params-polyfill 8.1.1 MIT License ui-select 0.19.8 MIT License utf-8-validate 5.0.7 MIT License video.js 7.15.4 Apache License V2.0 videojs-font ...
Open source software refers to software that provides access to its source code, allowing users to inspect and modify it as needed. It is often released under a license that permits modification and even commercial use, as long as the modified software is also made available with its source co...
Lakhani和Wolf在关于自由软件开发者动机的论文中提到,很大一部分开发者都认为软件本该自由,由此才参与开发自由软件的。可惜他们的调查的是SourceForge上的开发者,而SourceForge网站本身则并不认为软件自由是个伦理问题。 “自由软件基金会(FSF)是一个非盈利组织。我们的使命是在全球范围内促进计...
apilistsopen-sourcelistdevelopmentpublicresourcesdatasetfreesoftwareapispublic-apipublic-apis UpdatedOct 31, 2024 Python godotengine/godot Star94.2k Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine open-sourcegamedevmulti-platformgame-enginegame-developmentgodotenginegodot ...
Open source software is at the heart of Apple platforms and developer tools. Apple works with developers around the world to create, contribute, and release open source code. Featured open source projects Many Apple products and services are built on open source software. Explore some of the pro...
Learn more about open source on Azure Microsoft Open Source Updates Towards debuggability and secure deployments of eBPF programs on Windows Alan Jowett Principal Software Engineer The eBPF for Windows runtime has introduced a new mode of operation, native code generation, which exists alongside the...