原本称为 GNU Library General Public License,1999 年修改后重命名为 GNU Lesser General Public License,表示自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation)认为并不是所有程序库都应采用该许可证的态度。 LGPL 是 GPL 的一个主要为类库使用设计的开源协议,允许商业软件通过类库引用方式使用 LGPL 类库而不需要开源商业软件...
Focuses on an open-source software license which permits users to read, access, change and reuse the source code of a software product in the U.S. Types of open-source licenses; List of Open Source Initiative-approved software licenses; Options for companies who venture into open source for ...
After all, it’s short, concise, and as OSS licenses go, easy to read. It’s also an example of why wording makes such a big difference when it comes to legal concerns — something all OSS users should keep in mind. Related: How to Apply an Open Source Software License...
本期节目主要内容是 Richard 从专业的角度讲述了 Free Software 和 Open Source 的关系、License 和 Copyright 的关系,当然还有一堆闲聊。 相关网站: Free Software Foundation: https://wwww.fsf.org 开源社: https://kaiyuanshe.cn Open Source Initiative: ...
Get the lowdown on the BSD 3-Clause open source software license, including key requirements and how it compares to other BSD license variants.
Swiper7.2.0Free Software Foundation - MIT License (MIT +) tslib2.1.0BSD 3-Clause License url-search-params-polyfill8.1.1MIT License ui-select0.19.8MIT License utf-8-validate5.0.7MIT License video.js7.15.4Apache License V2.0 videojs-font3.2.0Apache License V2.0 ...
falls into one of two categories; open-source and closed-source, depending on whether the original source code is released for anyone to inspect. Most closed-source software is released with a specific license designed for that software, which is often unique, known as a proprietary license. ...
Mozilla Public License 2.0 Creative Commons “share alike” licenses While OSS is usually available at no charge, it is highly inaccurate to think that it is free for usage without any legal implications and risks. Common legal risks associated with the use of Open Source Software could include...
With respect to the free/open source software listed in this document, if you have any questions or wish to receive a copy of any source code to which you may be entitled under the applicable free/open source license(s) (such as the ...