每个可能替代“Free Software”的词多少都会有些语义方面的问题—这显然也包括“开源软件”(Open Source Software)。 开源软件的官方定义(它是由开源促进会发布的,鉴于这个定义过长,就不在本文中全部引用了)是直接从我们对于自由软件的界定衍生而来。不过二者也有不同,在某些方面,开源软件的定义比自由软件更宽松。不...
和Richard 约做一档开源的播客还是 2017 年的事情了,今年在开源社开源年会上碰到他,并和几个圈内好友畅聊的时候才又激起继续的想法,终于借 Richard 出差到北京的机会面对面录制了这第一期节目。 本期节目主要内容是 Richard 从专业的角度讲述了 Free Software 和 Open Source 的关系、License 和 Copyright 的关系,...
free software:免费软件 open source software:开源软件
开放源码(Open—Source)和自由软件(Free Software)回顾 开放源码自由软件开源软件计算机摘要:VIPInternet:共创软件
Software Assurance is Microsoft’s attempt to get those same licensing fees but wrap them together with the service and support needed to keep systems running. That’s why Microsoft finds the open-source model so threatening: open-source companies have no vested interest in getting more licensing...
Open source software is source code made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, modify, and distribute the software.
Is open source software free? Most open source software can be downloaded and used free of charge. You can download Firefox for free right now, for example. But being free to download isn't what makes software open source. "Free," in the English language, can refer to something not ...
Some very successful “open source” software products have been and are being developed, distributed, and supported in the field on a voluntary basis by and for users themselves — no supplier required2. The motives that induce users to contribute to an open source project “for free” and ...
自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation,FSF)是一个非营利组织,其使命是在全球范围内促进计算机用户...