This is the world's first open source (BSD license) HTML5 SIP client entirely written in javascript for integration in social networks (FaceBook, Twitter, Google+), online games, e-commerce websites, email signatures... No extension, plugin or gateway is needed. The media stack rely onWeb...
OpenSIPS is a GPL implementation of a multi-functionality SIP Server that targets to deliver a high-level technical solution (performance, security and quality) to be used in professional SIP server platforms. - OpenSIPS/opensips
osia: Super basic app to browse open-source-ios-apps Screenshot 1 2022 swift ☆100 OSRSUI: Old School Runescape database browser 2020 swift swiftui combine ☆36 PapersSwiftUI: For Unsplash Screenshot 1 2019 swift ☆19 Papr: An unofficial client for Screenshot 1...
用户代理分为UAC(UA Client)和UAS(UA Server)两种逻辑实体,UAC发送SIP Request并接受Response,UAS接收SIP Request并返回Response,一个物理设备既可以是UAC同时也可以是UAS。 Proxy Server:代理服务器的作用主要是转发Request和Response给其他的Proxy Server或者UA,Proxy Server分为有状态代理服务器(Stateful Proxy)和无状...
Linphone is an open source SIP client for HD voice/video calls, 1-to-1 and group instant messaging, conference calls etc. Available for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux.
stun-client-0-96.exe -v 安装配置RTPProxy模块 rtpproxy模块通常与nathelper模块一起使用。首先要确保服务器上已经安装了rtpproxy,启动rtpproxy: rtpproxy -F 然后在opensips.cfg文件里做如下配置: loadmodule "" modparam("rtpproxy", "rtpproxy_sock", "unix:/var/run/rtpproxy.sock...
Sipdroid is a free open-source VoIP and SIP client for android devices. Android users can download it fromGoogle Play, orF-droidstores. The app routes calls dialed from your phone's built-in contacts app to VoIP. In settings you can choose when to use VoIP and when to make standard phon...
路由器修改SIP包:使用Volans VE602W作为路由器,从客户端发出的REGISTER包里的Via字段会被修改为公网地址,导致opensips服务器判断是否来自内网(nat_traversal模块中的nat_client_test方法)失败,其他三个路由器(TPLink、Mercury和Buffalo没有这种情况)。暂时没有找到解决方法。
OpenSIPS (Open SIP Server) is a mature Open Source implementation of a SIP server. OpenSIPS is more than a SIP proxy/router as it includes application-level functionalities. OpenSIPS, as a SIP server, is the core component of any SIP-based VoIP solution. With a very flexible and customiza...
Welcome To Kamailio – The Open Source SIP Server Kamailio®(successor of former OpenSER and SER) is an Open Source SIP Server released under GPLv2+, able to handle thousands of call setups per second. Kamailio can be used to build large platforms for VoIP and realtime communications – ...