Unfortunately the source is a huge mess, so it's not ready to give out of hand and it's mainly tested about armor/weapons - Because I needed only that. But shouldn't be to hard to finish the Interface I started back then. Ill probably get some time this week - then I could provid...
SmileWeather: Uses Weather Underground & OpenWeatherMap 🔥🔥 SwiftWeather 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Tropos: A weather app using ReactiveCocoa and Forecast.io 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (Tropos on the App Store) WeatherApp: Weather app using React Native WeatherMap: Weather around you in a glance, uses ...
MAPS.ME: Offline maps application with navigation using OpenStreetMap data. 🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://github.com/mapsme/omim https://maps.me/en/home https://itunes.apple.com/app/id510623322 Miataru: A location tracking app where data can be shared over public or private servers. https:...
An iconic feature of Gauntlet was thedigital voice. To implement the robotic like voice I turned to mimic, an open source text to speech project. It had several voices. Some were better but I wanted to capture the style of the older game. ...
RuneScape can be played for free, but also offers optional membership that unlocks even more thrilling content, including 8 additional skills, over 120 extra quests and access to the entire world map! Enjoy RuneScape at its best!JOIN OUR COMMUNITYAdd your unique voice to our vibrant RuneScape ...
and made the game run at all for someone else I know, so it may be worth looking into. However, there are some known crashing issues with it if you don't have enough VRAM and try to run the game on High settings, so that might be the source of some of your issues if you are ...
You have sandbox-style racing games like Need for Speed Heat, action RPGs such as Elden Ring, and superhero blockbusters like Marvel's Spider-Man. While the spread of genres is wide, all open world games adhere to common goals — a single, large map, normally with no loading screens, ...
This platform has the particularity of being an open-source system that works via the C++ programing language. At present, when the system starts up, Arduino checks the GPS signal reception, and then starts the data recording loop. The voltage value from the sensor is read and AD-converted ...
any resources shared by appnee, please first go to read our f.a.q. page more or less. otherwise, please bear all the consequences by yourself. this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike 4.0 international license . offline map maker is a simple and ...
Start a live development server and reload when changes have been made to your plugin source code. Modern JavaScript Start writing with next generation JavaScript, split code into modules and import packages, no setup required! Roadmap Babel support Auto configuration for all packages ...