High DRAM prices encourage developers to deploy small workloads on Redis, limiting the amount of real-time data their applications can use.Redis Enterprise offers an alternative for hosting large datasets: Combine DRAM and solid state drives (SSDs) using an innovative tiered approach that places fre...
1. Redis Redis(Remote Dictionary Serverin full) is a free and open-source, fast, high-performance, and flexible distributed in-memory computing system that can be used from most if not all programming languages. It is an in-memory data structure store that works as a caching engine, in-me...
But there are also manyother databaseswhich are getting popular day-by-day & may have advantages over what you're already using. Here are25+ open source alternative databasesthat you may consider using in your next project: MongoDB It is anopen source, high-performance, scalable, schema-free...
Data Migrations –If you are using Firebase and want a straightforward alternative, Appwrite should be your choice. Hereof, you can benefit from the ‘migrations’ characteristic of this CSP. Moreover, you can also seamlessly switch from self-hosted, Supabase and other cloud vendors to Appwrite. ...
Security Openblocks The Open Source Retool Alternative Build internal tools fast, with no limitations 📢 Use Openblocks in 3 steps Connect to any data sources or APIs. Build UI with 50+ components. Share with colleagues and customers.
Before learning about the top open-source web scrapers, you can learn the best alternative of them which can scrape data without any coding skills. Open-source web scrapers allow users to code based on their source code or framework, but also they have their limits. Especially for non-coding...
Use Tiktok with an alternative frontend, inspired by Nitter. WARNING THE LATEST VERSIONv2.5.0.0INCLUDES BREAKING CHANGES, CHECK THEPULL REQUESTFOR MORE INFO Features Privacy: All requests made to TikTok are server-side, so you will never connect to their servers ...
Furthermore, because of its open-source nature, you can deploy Baserow to Heroku and Cloudron or install it on Ubuntu & Docker. It is also a prime choice for businesses and developers looking for an open-source Airtable alternative with both self-hosted and hosted functionalities. Globalvia, ...
[keystone_authtoken] auth_uri = http://controller:5000 auth_url = http://controller:35357 memcached_servers = controller:11211 auth_type = password project_domain_name = default user_domain_name = default project_name = service username = glance password = GLANCE_PASS [matchmaker_redis] [...
OCV, and many others, have pointed out a “loophole” that allows vendors of AGPL applications to grant alternative commercial licenses. But that “loophole” merely describes the limits of what an open source model can do. Copyleft licenses don’t limit or condition the use of software by it...