以下是正文:众所周知,Minecraft在更新到1.8之后的版本之后,因为种种原因,游戏的内存使用变得居高不下。这种问题在mod玩家中尤其致命,现在流行的大型1.12整合包如Sevtech和All the mods等通常需要5-6g内存才能带起来。纵然有Foamfix等优化mod,比起1.7.10时代对内存需求的增长仍然极为恐怖,这也是1.12目前在国内mod玩家...
Open Glider adds a hang glider to Minecraft, allowing you to soar through the skies and explore your world's beauty. Notable FeaturesA fluid flight motion and naturally immersive controls. A novel system of wind that you must combat to stay on course while in flight. The ability to deploy ...
BoBkiNNOwner MOTD placeholders %owner% - server owner %world% - world name Online Mode If ON, then Minecraft will be check players for license, else players with cracked launchers can join config.json explanation See at end ofREADME.md...
Splatsch:Uncivis an open source pixel remake of Civ V. It's really enjoyable :) (and light) Minetesta nice open source Minecraft-like clone ! Simutrans: I heard lot of good things about this one ! An OpenTTD-like game ! FreeOrionAn open source remake of Master of Orion !
Ares is a free, open source minecraft utility mod aimed at anarchy servers. Created by Tigermouthbear. Installing Visithttps://aresclient.org/downloadfor instructions on downloading and installing. Using To open GUI use;key. To change GUI bind key use-bind clickGui your_preferred_key(e.g.-...
An open-source client performance mod for Minecraft (based on Sodium 0.5.8) prioritizing reliability & mod compatibility legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/embeddium Topics minecraft rendering Resources Readme License LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found Activity Stars 206 stars Watchers 7...
[17:52:30] [main/INFO]: Loading for game Minecraft 1.16.2[17:52:31] [main/INFO]: [FabricLoader] Loading 2 mods: minecraft@1.16.2, fabricloader@0.9.3+build.207[17:52:31] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.1 Source=file:/D:/qwq/1.14.4/.minecraft/libraries/net...
OpenComputers is a Minecraft mod that adds programmable computers and robots to the game. The built-in computer implementation uses Lua 5.2 and is fully persistent. This means programs will continue running across reloads. For more information, pleasesee the wiki. Feel invited to visit thecommunit...
Minecraft 2011 683 votes Platform: GNU/Linux, Xbox 360, Web browser, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh Dig Deeper The 100 Best 'Minecraft' Mods, Ranked Also ranks #1 on The Most Popular Video Games Right Now PurchaseView on AMAZON The Best 'Minecraft' Channels on YouTube 1Mumbo Jumbo 1...
If you have playedMinecraft, you’ll realizeLuantiis basically its open-source cousin. It was formerly known asMinetest. You can create, explore, and survive in infinite worlds, just like inMinecraft. But since it’s open-source, you can add mods and customize it to make the game truly ...