Open-source data loggers and sensors for field researchWickert, AndrewSchulz, BobbySandell, ChadGene-Hua NgGeophysical Research Abstracts
OSGPUP: An open-source library for geophysical data processing and interpretation based on C++, Perl, Octave and Python. - GitHub - Metkom/OSGPUP: OSGPUP: An open-source library for geophysical data processing and interpretation based on C++, Perl,
OpenDA: Open Source Generic Data Assimilation Environment and its Application in Geophysical Process Models Data Assimilation techniques are essential elements in state-of-the-art development of models and their use in operational forecasting and real-time contro... A Weerts,NV Velzen,M Verlaan,.....
Source Code: Geochemistry π is an open-sourced highly automated machine learning Python framework dedicating to build up MLOps level 1 software product for data-driven geochemistry discovery on tabular data. Core capabilities are: Continous Training Machine...
The core ideas from a variety of geophysical inverse problems have been distilled to create this framework. We also provide an open source library written in Python called SimPEG (Simulation and Parameter Estimation in Geophysics, Our implementation has core ...
An open-source MATLAB application (app) named Discontinuity Intensity Calculator and Estimator (DICE) was developed in order to quantitatively characterize the fractures, or in more general, discontinuities within a rocky outcrop in three-dimensional (3D) digital data, such as digital outcrop model (...
Keywords:integratedgeophysicaldata;visualmanagementmodule;open⁃sourceGIS;MapWinGISactivecontrol 作者简介: 张伟(1983-),男,汉族,重庆市人,博士,工程师,主要从事矿产地球物理勘查和物化探软件开发工作。 ·9601·公路工程施工集 公路工程施工各种资料集 专栏 相关精品文档 更多 基于开源GIS技术的地图制图与发布平台的...
Using open-source software is an effective and cheaper implementation of chemical structure searching in a chemical data- base.Unlike commercial solutions,open source itself also represents extensibility.By integrating modules in open-source software, such as Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) and JOELib,...
sciencemachine-learningopendatacollaborationopen-sciencedatasetshacktoberfestcitizen-scientists UpdatedDec 7, 2024 PHP Source code for the CERN Open Data portal pythonflaskbig-datajson-schemaopen-dataopen-scienceresearch-data-managementresearch-data-repositoryinveniodigital-libraryinveniosoftwareopen-research-data...
GemPy is an open-source, Python-based 3-D structural geological modeling software, which allows the implicit (i.e. automatic) creation of complex geological models from interface and orientation data. It also offers support for stochastic modeling to add