Pterodactyl® is a free, open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users. -
Melia is an open-source MMORPG server, developed as a collaborative effort of programmers from all around the world. We're aiming to create a server software that provides a stable and extensible platform for users to build their own projects on top of, while giving developers the opportunity ...
If fast-paced shooting games are your thing,Xonoticis one open-source game you would love to have in your collection. It’s like a modern mix ofQuakeandUnreal Tournament, with crazy weapons and super smooth gameplay. I had a blast trying out the different guns, each with its own cool fe... 提取码:0syo
OpenTenBase 企业级分布式HTAP开源数据库,具备高扩展性、商业数据库语法兼容、分布式HTAP引擎、多级容灾和多维度资源隔离等能力,成功应用在金融、医疗、航天等行业的核心业务系统。 Crane Crane 是一个基于 FinOps 的云资源分析与成本优化平台。它的愿景是在保证客户应用运行质量的前提下实现极致的降本。是 FinOps 基金...
By building open source solutions on common data standards,hikaya will be able to help nonprofits worldwide improve their delivery of goods and services to those most in need while making reporting to funders more transparent. ...
它应该算是全世界少数Open Source Server-Client架构的游戏之一,Open Source的游戏实在是太少了XD 而为什么要介绍它呢?因为今天的题目就是教大家用CDK把Unlight游戏部署起来呀! Unlight 游戏Server 部署文件 我们今天目标以一台EC2 在里面跑Docker 的架构把整个游戏伺服器创建起来 ...
A Clone is a game which is very similar to or heavily inspired by a game or series. An Official project is the official source code release for a game that was formerly closed-source, maintained by the original creators and has minimal changes. A Similar game is one which has similar...
Source code download: The source code of "iles" has been upgraded to Cocos Creator 3.6. This Friday, you can go to the Cocos Store address above to download some of the core source code of the game, including the entire visual custom rendering pi...
Why open source NetEase Yidun has faced the pain points of different game types in more than 20 years of first-line actual combat experience, accumulated a lot of experience and methodology, and built a mature set of tools based on this. We have absorbed a lot of nutrients from the communi...