Getting Started with OpenFPGA Version: Introduction The award-winning OpenFPGA framework is thefirst open-source FPGA IP generator with silicon proofssupporting highly-customizable FPGA architectures. OpenFPGA provides complete EDA support for customized FPGAs, including Verilog-to-bitstream ...
Open FPGA Stack (OFS) is a scalable, source-accessible infrastructure delivered via git repositories allowing customization of unique acceleration solutions.
This repository contains open-source FPGA modules (OFM) and build system implemented within the development and research activities of CESNET z.s.p.o. in the field of monitoring, security and network infrastructure configuration, see also the Liberouter website. The OFM repository is primarily used...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: master 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支1 标签0
The Intel® Homomorphic Encryption Acceleration Library for FPGAs, released under the open-source Apache license, enables developers to accelerate critical fully homomorphic encryption operations.
很高兴向大家介绍最近受邀发表在ASICON 2023的工作:OpenPARF: An Open-Source Placement and Routing Framework for Large-Scale Heterogeneous FPGAs with Deep Learning Toolkit. OpenPARF是一个开源的大规模FPGA布局布线框架,它实现了当前最先进的FPGA布局布线算法,并且支持复杂工业级FPGA架构上的布局布线。OpenPARF基...
- Seeking to eliminate the need for detailed hardware expertise for FPGA design, a research group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory here has developed an open-source C compiler for reconfig-urable logic. Called Streams-C, the compiler doesn't generally yield the performance of RTL design ...
Open Circuit Design是一个开源EDA工具集合,由很多个开源节点工具构成,是一个非常全面的数模混合设计软件,官网如下: Open Circuit DesignOpen_PDKs, a PDK installer for open-source EDA tools. Magic, the V…
CS250 课程的目标是使用开源工具链,完成 RTL 到 GDS 的芯片设计流程,并最终借助项目,Open Source MP...