Facebook Open-Sources Deep Learning Project TorchnetDylan Raithel
Fig. 1: Top 16 open source deep learning libraries by Github stars and contributors,using log scale for both axes. The color of the circle shows the age in days (greener - younger, bluer - older), computed from Start date given on github under Insights / Contributors. By all measures, ...
So to make our research as accessible as possible, we are releasing the InnerEye Deep Learning Toolkit (opens in new tab) as open-source software. The toolkit makes it easy to train high-performance models with ensembles and deploy your models using Azure Machine Learning (opens in ...
Open Source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios. 32546 17084 170087 openGauss An open source relational database management system that is released with the Mulan PSL v2. It continuously provides competitive features tailored to ente...
前面的博客中有提到过要开源最近写的code,seq2seq-attention,今天正式开源了,欢迎各路大神来fork和star。这是我从5月中旬开始决定用torch框架来写deep learning code以来写的第一个完整的program,在写的过程中走过不少弯路,尤其是在选择demo进行学习的过程中,被HarvardNLP组的seq2seq-attn难以阅读的代码搞得非常崩溃...
Cellular traffic prediction with machine learning: A survey WeiweiJiang, inExpert Systems with Applications, 2022 3.5Open-source projects At the end of this section, the open-source projects from the surveyed studies with their published years and links are listed inTable 8to encourage open research...
Intel supports hundreds of open source projects with code contributions, sponsorships, and a worldwide community network.
Open Source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios. https://www.mindspore.cn contact@mindspore.cn 概览仓库33任务3463Pull Requests840动态成员122 精选 mindspore GVP MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that...
Learn what open-source machine learning is and explore open-source machine learning projects, platforms, and tools.
OpenCon: Open-world Contrastive Learning Yiyou Sun, Yixuan (Sharon) Li This repo contains the reference source code in PyTorch of the OpenCon framework. We introduce a new learning framework, open-world contrastive learning (OpenCon). OpenCon tackles the challenges of learning compact representation...