An 'Open Source Solution' refers to community-driven tools that offer flexibility, extensibility, and accessibility beyond commercial solutions. Organizations can modify these solutions to meet their specific needs and contribute back to the community for further development. ...
Its Infrastructure is an open source EC2/S3-compatible IaaS implementation, specifically targeting features of interest for the scientific community, such as support for proxy credentials, batch schedulers, best-effort allocations, etc. As for monitoring, a set of tools provide a structure and APIs...
Valhalla is an open source routing engine and accompanying libraries for use with OpenStreetMap data. Valhalla also includes tools like time+distance matrix computation, isochrones, elevation sampling, map matching and tour optimization (Travelling Salesman). ...
OpenStudio - A cross-platform collection of software tools to support whole building energy modeling using EnergyPlus and advanced daylight analysis using Radiance. BEMServer - An open source Python server to deploy energy management solutions for buildings. SEED - Standard Energy Efficiency Data Platform...
The IT professionals look at open source software and frequently see a productization gap because of half-finished products: what is so hard about finishing all the administrative interfaces, configuration tools, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and documentation to make the software useful?
with researchers making their own analytical choices when processing the data. Third, as tools and techniques used in the science of science grow in sophistication, measurements on these datasets can be computationally involved, requiring substantial investment of time and resources to compute these meas...
The methods for electrophysiology in neuroscience have evolved tremendously over the recent years with a growing emphasis on dense-array signal recordings. Such increased complexity and augmented wealth in the volume of data recorded, have not been accom
SCI: 2023 Impact Factor 2.1; Scopus CiteScore (Impact per Publication 2023): 5.3; SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper 2023): 0.73; Ei Compendex; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; INSPEC Databases; Science Navigator; EBSCOhost; ProQuest Central; Zentralblatt für Mathematik; Portico, etc. ...
This open source initiative suggested some possible future directions, including XML import features and an API (Application Programming Interface) to integrate with campus systems. While the advantage of this approach is the free software available, participating institutions cannot discount altogether the...
OpenGlobus - JavaScript 3D maps and geospatial data visualization engine library. It uses the pure WebGL technology. OpenLayers - Open source JavaScript map viewing library OpenMapTiles - Set of open-source tools for self-hosting of OpenStreetMap maps in more than 50 languages. It provides both...