DAQ: data acquisition, GVS: galvo scanner, iFFT: inverse fast Fourier transform. Graphic processing unit (GPU) accelerated real-time ODT reconstruction and display. To facil- itate in vivo studies, we customized a GPU-accelerated graphic user interface (GUI), which was implemented in multi-...
In other measurements, such as polarization angular dependences and tomography, pulses generated by APDs were counted by a data acquisition (DAQ) card. When we measured polarization correlations of the emitted single-photon stream, polarizer2, 3 (thick blue rectangles) were introduced between the ...
funcard2008 / OpenAppFilter FuShengW5 / OpenAppFilter fzsource / OpenAppFilter ganlu510 / OpenAppFilter gaoliang-first / OpenAppFilter geniusrichter / OpenAppFilter ramber2000 / OpenAppFilter georip / OpenAppFilter ghostlea / OpenAppFilter ...
OpenKF is an online customer service system that improves communication for enterprises and open-source communities with customizable features. - openkf/server/go.sum at main · SuPair/openkf
2). To maintain control within a predefined envelope of either load or displacement, feedback from the primary centrifuge data acquisition system (DAQ), is required. Ideally this would be accomplished through IP-based network communication or serial communication protocols. Due to the closed source ...
It was implemented with LabVIEW, HTML, Java, VB Script and a data acquisition card (DAQ). Navarro et al. [65] designed a batch RL for position control of a DCSM under fuzzy PID control. It was based on a combination of HTML, Matlab and a DAQ. FLC as part of a R...
Cannot create a connection to datasource? An error occurred while the query design method was being saved. An item with the same key has already been added. An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within...
subnet is used cannot add IP from event to global lists (block or do-not-block) if similar IP is already on list ASA traceback and reload due to "Heap memory corrupted at slib_malloc.c ASA/SFR service card failure due to operation timed out getting CriticalStatus from...
On October 20th, a member of theDigilent Forumposted a screenshot fromWaveForms Live, showing 6 Oscilloscope channels with two displaying signals. As it turns out, this user and their team is working on a project for monitoring signal of power equipment in real time, and SD card data-logging...
(i) fully exploit the high-throughput and high-resolution photon-level information that these detectors provide; and (ii) offer flexibility and upgradability of the system. The lack of an open-source DAQ system may preclude a massive spreading of the above SP-LSM techniques and the emergence ...