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Open Source Code. Contribute to dianyunPCL/OpenSourceCode development by creating an account on GitHub.
For example, GitHub already showed how many lines of code changes there are in a PR. There are tools to tell you what is a "big" function, a "large" file; how many "big" functions and "large" files you've got in your repo; their percentage; etc. But hey, you can invent a mil...
For example, GitHub already showed how many lines of code changes there are in a PR. There are tools to tell you what is a "big" function, a "large" file; how many "big" functions and "large" files you've got in your repo; their percentage; etc. But hey, you can invent a mil...
Open source software licenses for the Software's source code constitute separate written agreements. To the limited extent that the open source software licenses expressly supersede these Application Terms, the open source licenses govern your agreement with GitHub for the use of the Software or ... (点击文末阅读原文直接访问) 请给项目 一个 Star ! 欢迎提出你的 issue 和 PR! 国内镜像地址: (登录后才能访问公开项目) 腾讯工蜂源码系统为开源开发者提供完整、最新的腾讯开源项目国内镜像...
所有培养环节及重要学习资源,将在乐享犀牛鸟校园“腾讯犀牛鸟开源人才社区”承载,包括各开源项目精选学习资源、github使用培训、学界及业界大咖分享、项目指南手册、开源福利活动等。 现在加入社区,即刻快人一步,拥有所有学习资源,并与全国热爱开源的小伙伴们一同,开启项目制学习,相互学习,共同成长。 github热门java开源项目 JustAuth:第三方登录开源组件 JustAuth 是一款使用人数最多的第三方登录开源组件,码云 GVP 项目,支持 Github、Gitee、今日头条、支付宝、新浪微博、微信、飞书、Google、Facebook、Twitter、StackOverflow 等第三方平台的授权登录。
Preserve open source software for future generations. The GitHub Archive Program is a testament to the importance of the open source community. It is our hope that it will, both now and in the future, further publicize the worldwide open source movement; contribute to greater adoption of open...
Brackets is a modern open-source code editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript that'sbuiltin HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Notice: Active Development Moved to Phoenix Code Active development ofBracketsis now maintained at thePhoenix Code Project. This repository is currently inmaintenance modeand will only...