The open source bug-tracking tool BugTracker was recommended by about 3% of the members. Pankaj Goenka recommends the web-based bug tracker as it provides features like high confgurability, email integration, search, screen-capture utility and ability to add custom ...
pixelmatch - The smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library. proj4js - JavaScript library to transform coordinates from one coordinate system to another, including datum transformations. react-leaflet - React components for Leaflet maps. react-map-gl - React friendly...
This is an open-source implementation of the ITU P.808 standard for "Subjective evaluation of speech quality with a crowdsourcing approach" (see It uses Amazon Mechanical Turk as the crowdsourcing platform. It inc
NewBug NewCalculatedColumn NewCalculatedMember NewChangeset Newclass NewConnection NewConsoleApplication NewConstant NewCounterSet NewCubeSlice NewCustomExpression NewDashboard NewDataComparison NewDataMiningDimension NewDeploymentManifest NewDeploymentPackage NewDiagram NewDimensionTranslation NewDocument NewDocumentColl...
Note that this and the previous comparison were made using the real-time internal RTK solutions from the receivers at a 5 Hz sample rate. For those more interested in PPK (post-processing) solutions using RTKLIB, this receiver may not be a good choice. So far, I have not been able to ...
Unfunded open-source software enjoys the best system-level testing in the industry, unless we include NASA's testing on space-bound robots in our comparison. The reason is simply that users tend to be much friendlier when they aren't being charged any money, and power users (often developers...
ResetTrackingMethod ResourceActiveDirectory ResourceAddressBook ResourceAssignment ResourceAssignmentDialog ResourceCalendarEditDays ResourceCalendarReset ResourceCalendars ResourceComparison ResourceDetails ResourceGraphBarStyles ResourceGraphBarStylesEx ResourceMappingDialog ResourceSharing ResourceSharingPoolAction R...
We tested WireGuard and OpenVPN head-to-head onmobile devices, tracking how much battery they drained during a typical day of web browsing, social media, video, and music streaming. WireGuard crushed it! Its smaller footprint means less strain on your phone's processor and no noticeable additi...
Flyspray- Web-based bug tracking system written in PHP. MantisBT- Another web-based bug tracking system. osTicket- Open source support ticket system. Otrs- A free and open-source trouble ticket system software package that a company, organization, or other entity can use to assign tickets to...
Update codecov patch comparison to succeed Jul 9, 2019 .gitignore test: add checkpoint/restore tests Aug 27, 2022 .gitpod.Dockerfile [gitpod] use latest workspace full Feb 22, 2022 .gitpod.yml Run prettier on supported files Aug 22, 2024 ...