OpenSecurityArchitecture (OSA) distills the know-how of the security architecture community and provides readily usable patterns for your application. This is a free framework, developed and owned by the community.
Outlines the Open Security Architecture (OSA). OSA is an architecture which will provide the basis for the selection, design and integration of products providing security and control for a network of desktop personal computers, "mobile" notebook computers, servers and mainframes. States that the ...
Zero-trust architecture principles In the past, OpenNMS Meridian (and other monitoring systems) relied on the built-in security provided by restricted-access private networks.However, private networks create a false "hard perimeter" sense of security, making them easy targets for insider threats, ma...
Cybersecurity Automation Sub-Project (CASP) Indicators of Behaviour (IoB) Kestrel Open XDR Architecture (OXA) STIX shifter Get involved! Are you interested in learning more about OCA or would you like to contribute to our projects? Here are a few starting points: ...
Open EDR public repository. Contribute to ComodoSecurity/openedr development by creating an account on GitHub.
Based on OpenStack architecture, Huawei's FusionSphere provides an innovative solution for open cloud platforms.
Learn about network firewall security and how it can protect your corporate network from cybersecurity threats.
hinges on abandoning the Cold War mentality, giving due regard to and respecting the reasonable security concerns of all countries, thereby properly addressing their legitimate security aspirations and advancing the building of a balanced, effective, and sustainable European security architecture," he ...
The OpenSSF brings together work from the Linux Foundation-initiated Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII), the GitHub-initiated Open Source Security Coalition (OSSC), and other open-source security efforts to improve the security of open-source software by building a broader community, targeted initiati...
# settings to better secure the cookies from security exploits #CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True #SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True # The absolute path to the directory where message files are collected. # The message file must have a .json file extension. When the user logins to ...