11. (Shooting) See open season 12. not decided or finalized: an open question. 13. ready to entertain new ideas; not biased or prejudiced: an open mind. 14. unreserved or candid: she was very open in her description. 15. liberal or generous: an open hand. 16. extended or eage...
Comparative Analysis of Production Costs and Revenue on the Banana Planting Season in Taiwan Te-Sheng Lin, Chun-Nan Lin, Ke-Chung Peng Jan 29, 2019, PP. 1-8 Full-Text Study on Party Spirit Cultivation of College Student Party Members from the Perspective of Strengthening the Moral Educatio...
Herrens Veje: A catalyst to reflect upon military chaplaincy and ecclesial issues in a Nordic context This article is based on an analysis of the first season of the Danish series Herrens Veje (The Way of the Lord; Price 2017). The series portrays the young... J Grimell,VDB Mariecke ...
As the season progresses, inorganic nutrients are drawn down in the photic zone, but the rapid recycling of ammonia production by bacteria and other consumers, along with what appears to be a dissolved iron deficiency, seemingly prevents the nitrate levels from dropping to zero. Annual primary ...
pallida throughout the season. Error bars are + SE. (b) The phoretic rate and phoretic probability of A. pallida on females and male B. gobica adults in the late fall (59 females and 65 males; t = − 0.433, df = 122, P = 0.664, which is > ...
vary, alter, change - become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season" ...
Precipitation patterns exhibit high temporal variability with nearly 80% of the annual rainfall occurring in the monsoon season. Spatial variability in rainfall contributes to periodic floods and droughts in different parts of the country1. Overall, with an estimated annual per capita water availability...
EGRET - An R-package for the analysis of long-term changes in water quality and streamflow, including the water-quality method Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season. WaterModels.jl - Designed to enable computational evaluation of historical and emerging water network formulations and ...
The phases of the NAO are described by the North Atlantic Oscillation index that has several possible definitions, all having in common that they try to capture these fluctuations in a particular season or month. In what follows, we shall consider the winter season as traditionally studied in ...
There was a rush of pre-produced shows in order to try to sell to streaming platforms who like to drop an entire season instead of the traditional real time filming for Korean network TV shows. In addition, there is less network and cable slots for dramas. The 3 major networks used to ...