, Action In Sony Pictures Animation's first feature film, the animated action adventure comedy Open Season, the odd are about to get even. Boog (Martin Lawrence), a domesticated grizzly bear with no survival skills, has his perfect world turned upside down when he meets Elliot (Ashton Kutcher...
And Open Season, probably the last one on offer this year from a Hollywood studio, suffers from this glut, unfortunately. Heck, with so much similarities between the movies, you can even spot a familiarity or two from the story lines, taking a a leaf from one of the earlier flop - The...
10 Controversial Plot Twists That Ruined Movies 12/16/2024 by Margaret David Slash Film Is Daren Kagasoff Single or Married? The Actor Stays Private with His Personal Life 12/14/2024 by Just Jared Just Jared Shadow and Bone ‘The White Lotus’ Season 3: Everything We Know About The Cast...
Disney is once again, after a reasonable hiatus, back in the business of princesses. Since the studio’s surprise success and subsequent exploitation of Frozen, the Mouse House seems destined to resurrect all their classic animated female characters in a manner resembling Marvel’s superhero line-...
While you’ve probably been betting on every single game all season, it’s time to make some more. Here are five of the best judi bola to make this postseason. We’ll start with the Cincinnati Bengals, Indianapolis Colts, and Los Angeles Chargers. Each of these teams has the potential ...
Open Wide for Zombies/Dumbwaiters(Season 2, Episode 12) TV-Y TV Episode|23 min|Animation, Adventure, Comedy Edit pageAdd to list A monster storm washes the Beavers out of their dam and strands them in a scary Dixieland bayou.The Beavers become waiters at an exclusive French restaurant in...
The Walking Dead: Season Two Point-and-click, Puzzle, Adventure 8 votes Similar to the previous season, The Walking Dead: Season Two is a point-and-click adventure game. The player, in control of Clementine, can direct the character around the environment, examine and interact with various ...
in order when I get there. I travel alone quite a bit but this time am with a friend. We've travelled together before AND still remain friends despite temper tantrums (mine), annoyances (mine) and general moodiness(mine). :p. I'm so bad. But am so consistently so that friends are...
Wait, what happened to Wonderful Season?? I was looking last week for episodes 21-22 until Tuesday and then forgot after that. Now I notice gooddrama still doesn't have the subs. Any idea why? I thought maybe it got pre-empted or something but I didn't see any news about that. 0...
One of my favorite memories as a kid was when my family went to the Drive-In movies for the first time. I actually don't remember the movie and I think that is because I was having more fun sitting on the tailgate of my parent's brown Plymouth station wagon. ...