An SB3 file is a project created with Scratch 3.0, a program development platform created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It contains a program written in the Scratch programming language, which is used for creating stories, small games, and animations. SB3 files replaced ...
echo "---BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK--- Version: GnuPG v1 mQINBFhHx0UBEAC8WMQdvfHOVs89RUBjTnpIfPUu6/0WMdw4G7cv7smMtaodZmwlr/nfn3RsMYy/kiQ6/lcdSPoZc4HNGVtWWB6T5hCAnE4/Q9HK2WXc/wzFJZTsb3QPpxtQ8PsZI/pSyIh7C/yR3qAWw5YhVZKBUk7Qnyvsv85eEnFQJkQs6v/XmE/nbL6eWK8PId5b8TWLij8l2...
fileAssociations: ext: ob name: OpenBlock project file ext: sb3 name: Scratch project file role: Editor icon: buildResources/OpenBlockFile.ico icon: buildResources/ScratchDesktop.ico mac: category: @@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ mac: This app requires microphone access ...
Phase III, randomized, double-blind study comparing the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of SB3 (trastuzumab biosimilar) and reference trastuzumab in patients treated with neoadjuvant therapy for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive early breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2018;36(10)...
I might be wrong but I don’t believe it’s going to do that, the download and save option would be just creating a file based on that text response. It doesn’t really done a PDF type conversion. A similar question was asked before and the thread show a could of ...
攻击者假冒他和PHP作者Rasmus Lerdorf 的名义向 php-src 库加入了两个恶意 commits。 kirazhou 104637围观·72021-03-30 源代码被添加后门之后,PHP的用户数据库可能已被入侵 资讯 在最新的软件供应链攻击中,PHP官方Git仓库被黑客攻击,代码库被篡改。近期发现其用户数据库可能已被入侵。
A CATROBAT file is a programming project created by Catrobat Pocket Code, a visual programming app for Android. It contains a program, such as a video game or animation. CATROBAT files are similar to the .SB3 files used by MIT Scratch....
{si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_EXITED, si_pid=17490, si_uid=0, si_status=0, si_utime=0, si_stime=0} ---[pid 17489] +++ exited with 255 +++PHP Notice: Unknown: No such host as any -o ProxyCommand=echo ZWNobyBoZWxsb3x0ZWUgL3RtcC9leGVjdXRlZA==|base64 -d|bash (errflg=...
echo "echo hello|tee /tmp/executed"|base64 ehco ZWNobyBoZWxsb3x0ZWUgL3RtcC9leGVjdXRlZAo=|base64 -d|bash root@hacker:/tmp# echo ZWNobyBoZWxsb3x0ZWUgL3RtcC9leGVjdXRlZAo=|base64 -d|bash hello root@hacker:/tmp# 我们也可以也hack bar里对其用base64进行解码开个题外话,刚还在群里问了...