p1souo0fpnas)epirtnachncoarotethlaaerasde-t eicitf4nnrhxa4oganh7tmthi tb°bwheCei8etaN,6essN5d ei°c2eCicaon6ocml (ono°iFnCntwpiegt,aFene.arri nt1angvtlb0.dea (la1dlex7)u0)9ttectooo t.°ooCat8fh21Trwe0e °gdafCa(osut5r.fac0%motl7sri,o eo°...
The larvae bore in wood and are associated with fungal near-red-rot. It combines haplodiploidy, uni-oviparity for males (one male egg is laid at a time), poly-viviparity for females (several female larvae are delivered at a time), and internal and external matriphagy (consumption of the...
Additionally, due to rain and heat, these shingles shrink and rot. This aging results in rotting the roof building materials and damaging paint as well as ceilings. This calls for shingling of roof even if you are using the best types of shingles. Otherwise, if you are planning to re-roof...
Andrew Reiterandrewr@rot26.netfor testing on Solaris. OutGuess was originally developed by Niels Provosprovos@citi.umich.edu, under the BSD software license. It is completely free for any use including commercial. Currently, source code is maintained by volunteers. Newer versions are available at...
Gaillard, E.; Kadem, L.; Pibarot, P.; Durand, L.G. Impact of a concomitant subaortic stenosis on the assessment of the severity of an aortic valve stenosis: An in-vitro study. In Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010), Singapore, Germany, 1–6 August 2010...
Oliver Drotbohm, @odrotbohm (Software Engineer, Spring Framework) Victor Du, @DrDab (Full-Stack Developer, Infosec Researcher) Kévin Dunglas, @dunglas (Creator of @api-platform, co-maintainer of @symfony, co-founder of @coopTilleuls) ...
I am remorseful for every boat slur I’ve uttered across all the years, and I’m embarrassed by each use of a cheap meme that involved an R33 floating, sailing or speeding on water. I am guilt-ridden about the Boaty McBoatFace call outs. They were empty and hollow jokes; boat refer...
Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> Rfej = state->imu()->Rot_fej(); Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> dR = quat_2_Rot(new_q)*Rfej.transpose(); // 考虑k-1到k Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> v_fej = state->imu()->vel_fej(); Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> p_fej = state->imu()->pos_f...
BBeeiinngg aabbllee ttoo ddeemmoonnssttrraatteetthhiisspphheennoommeennoonnfofor robojbejcetcstisninthtehwe awtearteflrofwloiws oins eoinmepimorptaonrttaonbtjeocbtijvecetoivfethoef twheatweraflteurmfleupmreojpecrot.jeEcxtp. Eerxipmeernimtaetniotnatoionndornagdrreapgorretpedorbteedlowbelwowas w...
At Google I/O 2013, Googlerevampedthe Android location APIs and released them as part of Google Play Services. In other words, Android's top-tier location services are now closed source. If the above history is any indication, the open source location stack will be left to rot...