“Enterprises have had a unified multi-platform DevOps pipeline for building their applications on every system except the mainframe—until now,” said Peter Fandel, Rocket’s Product Director of Open Software for Z. "With Rocket OpenApp Dev for Z software, Rocket is doubling down on its commi...
With Rocket’s Open Source Solutions for z/OS, you can empower developers with fully supported modern interfaces from Open Mainframe Project’s Zowe as well as 20 popular open-source languages and tools Rocket Software has ported for z/OS — including Git, Python, cURL and Bash — all while...
The QMClient API enables developers to access OpenQM from other languages such as Visual Basic and C.
Open at Microsoft is a weekly show for open-source enthusiasts. It features a diverse group of guests including maintainers, software and DevOps engineers, and community members who come together to share their insights on an open-source project. Each ep
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The self-proclaimed “most fast-paced sport on the Web,” Warsow is a cartoonish shooter featuring “Rocketlauncher-wielding pigs and lasergun-carrying cyberpunks.” Unlike most shooters, it doesn’t have a lot of blood and guts, and the emphasis is on movement. Operating System: Windows, ...
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has surged in popularity in recent years and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. When used correctly, a CRM […] Read more OpenPro named 10 most promising Manufacturing software solution providers in 2023 July 8, 2024 openprowp News...
Apparantly this is rocket science. How do you change system audio volume with C#? Append text in the first line of files Appending bytes to filestream object in c# Appending space '0x20' in a byte array after a specified position Application Attempting to Veto Shutdown Application crash error...
JSBSim is a multi-platform, general purpose object-oriented Flight Dynamics Model (FDM) written in C++. The FDM is essentially the physics & math model that defines the movement of an aircraft, rocket, etc., under the forces and moments applied to it using the various control mechanisms and...