Multiple file formats are supported: (1) RIS files are used by digital libraries such as IEEE Xplore, Scopus and ScienceDirect; the citation managers Mendeley, RefWorks, Zotero and EndNote support the RIS format too. (2) Tabular datasets with the .csv, .xlsx and .xls file extensions. CSV...
Imports data from library catalogues (through Z39.50 interface), from various file-based data formats (RIS, BibTeX, Endnote, MODS, and more), and from web services. LDAP integration to connect to existing LDAP servers; Ability to create and restore snapshot backups of individual databases; ...
Charbonnier L, Roupret-Serzec J, Caseris M, et al. Contribution of serological rapid diagnostic tests to the strategy of contact tracing in households following SARS-CoV-2 infection diagnosis in children. Front Pediatr. 2021;9(217):638502. doi:10.3389/fped.2021.638502PubMedGoog...
Objective To characterize patient portal use among patients with hypertension managed in primary care. Design, Settings, and Participants This retrospective cohort study used electronic health records linked with patient portal log file data from a large, diverse Midwestern health care system. Patients wi...
☑ risfile.☑ Free Opener association. Software to open or convert RIS filesYou can open RIS files with the following programs: ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper by Thomson Reuters Citavi by Swiss Academic Software Zotero Standalone by Zotero ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper ISI ResearchSoft...
This cohort study identifies the prevalence of tobacco use and examines the association of both smoking and smoking cessation with survival in a cohort of
This cross-sectional study investigates differences in rates of emergency department use among patients who had virtual visits with their own vs outside
This consensus statement provides recommendations to improve the quality and consistency of systematic reviews with meta-analyses on probiotics.
This systematic review and meta-analysis provide a synthesis of studies examining factors associated with child sexual exploitation and quantify their
marital status, education and poverty quartile, state buy-in (an indication that the beneficiary received Medicaid or other state assistance for those with low income), and residence area as well as T stage, N stage, stage, and grade extracted from the SEER or TCR patient enrollment file. Qu...