复制服务(Replicator):会检测本地分区副本和远程副本是否一致,具体是通过对比散列文件和高级水印来完成,发现不一致时会采用推式(Push)更新远程副本,例如对象复制服务会使用远程文件拷贝工具 rsync 来同步;另外一个任务是确保被标记删除的对象从文件系统中移除。 更新服务(Updater):当对象由于高负载的原因而无法立即更新时...
#service openstack-swift-account restart#service openstack-swift-account-auditor restart#service openstack-swift-account-reaper restart#service openstack-swift-account-replicator restart#service openstack-swift-container restart#service openstack-swift-container-auditor restart#service openstack-swift-container...
5.2 存储节点 # service openstack-swift-account restart # service openstack-swift-account-auditor restart # service openstack-swift-account-reaper restart # service openstack-swift-account-replicator restart # service openstack-swift-container restart # service openstack-swift-container-auditor restart #...
# for PART in sdb1 sdc1 sdd1; do \ mkfs.xfs -f -i size=1024 /dev/$PART; \ echo "/dev/$PART /srv/node/$PART xfs noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 0 0" >> /etc/fstab; \ mkdir -p /srv/node/$PART; \ mount /srv/node/$PART; \ chown -R swift:swift /srv/node; do...
Uboot is 2.0 most current as I took the advice to update be for flashing. I am assuming if the app can work then I should be able to acces GL.iNet UI and something needs to be stopped and restarted using ssh thank you ahead of time...
block_swift节点(块和对象)上配置2块独立的磁盘,分别用作最基本的块存储和对象存储。ceph节点由3台虚拟机部署组成,提供rbd块存储服务和radosgw网关对象存储服务。 ***所有用户名密码,服务密码,数据库密码均是123456 ***所有节点均关闭防火墙以及selinux 三、基本配置...
storage-node # svcadm enable swift-replicator-rsync 5. 设置当前节点的 /etc/swift 目录的所有权. storage-node # chown -R swift:swift /etc/swift 6. 启用所有 Swift 服务. storage-node # for x in `svcs -a -o SVC | fgrep swift | egrep "account|container|object" | sort` \ do \ echo ...
For each local Partition, the replicator checks copies in other Zones for any differences. When it discovers differences among Partitions, it copies the latest version across the Zones. Upload Requires Quorum Download from Single Node Load Balancer Proxy Node Proxy Node ...
The Objective-C block utilities you always wish you had. YYCategories - 功能丰富的 Category 类型工具库。 BFKit 一个非常不错的分类集合工具库,大幅提高开发效率.同时包含Swift版本 NullSafe NullSafe is a simple category on NSNull that returns nil for any unrecognised messages instead of throwing an ...
在存储节点启动所有服务 systemctl enable openstack-swift-account.service openstack-swift-account-auditor.service \ openstack-swift-account-reaper.service openstack-swift-account-replicator.service systemctl start openstack-swift-account.service openstack-swift-account-auditor.service \ openstack-swift-accou...