46. (when: intr, sometimes foll by out) to make or become less compact or dense in structure: to open ranks. 47. to set or be set in action; start: to open a discussion; to open the batting. 48. (Banking & Finance) (tr) to arrange for (a bank account, savings account, et...
英[ˈəʊpən] 美[ˈoʊpən] 释义 常用 高考讲解 v. 打开;开启;翻开;睁开;开放;通向;开始营业;准备接待;开幕;召开;开始;开盘;上映 adj. 开放的;张开的;通畅的;敞口的;开阔的;敞开的;外露的;公开的;可利用的;有效的;易受损害;坦诚的;未决定的;稀疏的 ...
We study orX(q) when X is a Segre variety (points with X-rank 1 and 2) and when X is a Veronese variety (points with X-rank ≤ 3 or with border rank 2).doi:10.1285/i15900932v41n1p19Ballico, EdoardoNote di Matematica
PercentilesAggregation、PercentileRanksAggregation、SamplerAggregation、DiversifiedAggregation、SignificantTextAggregation、GeoDistanceAggregation、GeoHashGridAggregation、GeoTileGridAggregation、GeoBoundsAggregation、GeoCentroidAggregation、ScriptedMetricAggregation。 以下Agg查询类型暂不支持,不区分内核版本。
"openranks" 3. with no protection or shield; "the exposed northeast frontier" "opento the weather" "anopenwound" 4. open to or in view of all; "anopenprotest" "anopenletter to the editor" 5. used of mouth or eyes; "keep your eyesopen" ...
4.Having interspersed gaps, spaces, or intervals:open ranks; an open weave. 5. a.Accessible to all; unrestricted as to participants:an open competition. b.Free from limitations, boundaries, or restrictions:open registration. c.Enterable by registered voters regardless of political affiliation:an op...
an open floor plan. constructed so as to be without cover or enclosure on the top or on some or all sides: an open boat. having relatively large or numerous spaces, voids, or intervals: an open architectural screen; open ranks of soldiers. ...
allowing for confident targeting. The frame offers enough stiffness to help with power and stability, yet the feel at contact remains smooth and comfortable. All in all this is an impressive offering that will suit a variety of players for the intermediate level through to the professional ranks...
PercentilesAggregation、PercentileRanksAggregation、SamplerAggregation、DiversifiedAggregation、SignificantTextAggregation、GeoDistanceAggregation、GeoHashGridAggregation、GeoTileGridAggregation、GeoBoundsAggregation、GeoCentroidAggregation、ScriptedMetricAggregation。 以下Agg查询类型暂不支持,不区分内核版本。
"open drains"; "the road is open to traffic"; "open ranks" with no protection or shield "open to the weather"; "an open wound" 同义词:exposed open to or in view of all "an open protest"; "an open letter to the editor"