if you want to allow HTTPS services to be available on your EC2, then this means that you will have to open up port number 443. After that, you will have to give open access to all “IP addresses” to access your instance using the port you have just opened....
By default, all Linux servers build under EC2 has post 22 i.e. SSH service port (inbound from all IP) is open only. So, if you are hosting any port-specific service then the relative port needs to be open on the AWS firewall for your server. Also, it has port 1 to 65535 are ...
在OpenVPN 服务器部署前,请确保已创建运行Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS系统的AWS EC2实例。如果为未创建,请参考Amazon Web服务配置章节。 若已完成上述实例配置操作,请执行以下命令: 1、安装OpenVPN。 sudo apt install openvpn -y 2、下载证书管理工具套件:Easy RSA。 wget https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa/ar...
$ sudo yum update-y $ sudo yum install-y openssl lzo pam openssl-devel lzo-devel pam-devel easy-rsa openvpn# check openvpn版本[ec2-user@ip-10-11-241-70~]$ openvpn--versionOpenVPN2.4.11x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu[FedoraEPELpatched][SSL(OpenSSL)][LZO][LZ4][EPOLL][PKCS11][MH/PKTINFO][...
HAProxy- Off-the-shelf load balancer, allowing SEPAL to be clustered for availability. Run both SSH and HTTPS on port 443, to prevent firewalls from blocking SSH. nginx- Off-the-shelf HTTP and reverse proxy server, proxying all SEPAL HTTP endpoints. ...
二、环境规划 openvpn 服务端 centos7 IP 双网卡 三、安装部署 1.配置yum源(安装epel) 参考地址:fedoraproject.org/wiki...服务端部署 1.安装openvpn软件 yum -y install openvpn 复制代码 2.修改配置文件 自行创建配置文件/etc/openvpn/server.conf,并加入如下配置 port.../etc/openvpn/ 复...
1 openstack_neutron_port{admin_state_up="true",binding_vif_type="",device_owner="network:router_interface",mac_address="fa:16:3e:bb:3c:e4",network_id="f27aa545-cbdd-4907-b0c6-c9e8b039dcc2",uuid="f71a6703-d6de-4be1-a91a-a570ede1d159"} 1 openstack_neutron_port{admin_state_up...
$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id ${sg} --protocol tcp --port 9000 --source-group ${sg} --region ${aws_region} 现在启用这些端口。 3.1.3. 使用 azure 的 peer-pods 的先决条件 如果使用 microsoft azure 创建对等 pod,您必须确保以下要求: 您...
如何在Amazon Linux上将OpenSSH从6.6.1p1升级到7.2p2?Result: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1 detected on port 22 over TCP.ec2-user@demotair.arabidopsis.org$ uname -a 浏览36提问于2017-08-03得票数 0 1回答 无人参与的更新:为什么没有安装一些安全更新,它是基于内核版本的吗? 无人值守的升级正在我的服务器...
ML2 port-security extention Supported; since Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13. director VLAN Aware VMs Supported; since Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13. director IPv6 Routing Supported; since Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13. director IPv6 SLAAC and DHCPv6 tenant address assignment Supported; since Red ...