Docker Community Forums I have had a Jellyfin container running for several months now with no issues. I use port 8096 to access it. I recently tried to get a reverse proxy running using an nginx container. I was not having any success with the reverse proxy but in the process I am no...
it’s often due to the WebUI docker container not being able to reach the Ollama server at (host.docker.internal:11434) inside the container . Use the--network=hostflag in your docker command to resolve this. Note that the port changes from 3000 to 8080, resulting in ...
通过docker inspect container_id能查看到[root@localhost ~]# ip link set dev br0 up[root@localhost ~]# ip addr show br0[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/sysconfig/docker //即将虚拟的桥接口由默认的docker0改为br0将OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald'改为OPTIONS='--selinux-enabl...
Add an iptables rule to log e.g. ICMP traffic arriving on the Docker bridge: sudo iptables -I INPUT -i docker0 -p icmp -j LOG Send a ping to the container you want to identify: IPADDR=$(docker inspect -f='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' d6ed83a8e282) ping -c 1 $IPADDR Ch...
When I run the docker-compose.yml below it opens port 80 and 443 for the hosts IPv4 address, but it doesn’t open those ports for the hosts IPv6 address (I use nmap to scan this). IPv6 is working fine on the host (I can …
Could you share the output of docker inspect <container name> ? { "AppArmorProfile": "docker-default", "Args": [], "Config": { "AttachStderr": false, "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "Cmd": [ "/init" ], "DDSM": false, "Domainname": "", "Entrypoint": null, "...
Openshift/Docker中,我们会遇到(听到)的几种网络端口模式有: Hostport Nodeport Hostnetwork router 它们有什么区别,适用于什么场景?我们先看看它们的作用。 二、什么是hostport? hostport它指的是:在一个宿主机上运行的一个容器,为了外部能够访问这个容器,将容器的端口与宿主机进行端口映射。而为了避免宿主机上的端...
在线安装docker 离线安装docker 脚本式安装docker 安装实施详细过程 yum方式 配置epel源 yum -y install epel-release 1. 安装依赖工具包 yum -y install yum-utils container-selinux device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 1. 安装docker # 添加配置镜像源 ...
Docker:这里我假定你指的是Docker engine(也叫做Docker daemon,或最新的名字:Moby),它是一种容器运行时(container runtime)的实现,而且是最主流的实现,几乎就是容器业界的事实标准。Docker是用来创建和管理容器的,它和容器的关系就好比Hypervisor(比如:KVM)和虚拟机之间的关系。当然,Docker公司对Docker engine本身的定...
因此,若想使用pipework配置docker容器的ip地址,必须要在none模式下才可以。 4)其他容器模式(即container模式),--net=container:NAME_or_ID 与host模式类似,只是容器将与指定的容器共享网络命名空间。 这个模式就是指定一个已有的容器,共享该容器的IP和端口。除了网络方面两个容器共享,其他的如文件系统,进程等还是隔离...